11.1 Hunter is really bad

I do know what you mean. Hopefully it smooths out some with haste maybe? I am by no means an expert lol.

But right now, we no longer use black arrow or dire beast, and i don’t think we even use kill shot anymore. Its basically kill command spam with a few other buttons weaved in as far as I can tell.


You’re undergeared
Hunter is fine your gear is just bad

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I never complained about damage or said I felt weak? I’m not dying or anything, it just doesn’t feel right. It feels awkward.

Because I didn’t feel the need to grind after doing the stories. I was able to do everything just fine at the ilvl I was. I do however have a mage and monk above ilvl610 but after that grind to get those levels I didn’t see the point. I was able to do all dungeons, LFR and so on. I used to grind out armor levels years ago, doing mythic+, Mythic raids and so on but can’t be bothered anymore. I only do story and exploration content nowadays anyways. Also, I don’t have time to grind for that high ilvl anymore because I don’t play as often as I used to since having kids and shift work.

If that’s the case you can’t really complain that the content is too hard; you haven’t kept up with the content on the character and are going to need to put in some time to get caught back up.

It’s not an issue with the class.

OP, I suggest you take advantage of the class forums, even the ones located here. I’ve had moments where I had a bad start to the season or class, and they came through for polite questions and advice - unlike General Discussion.

People accepting personal
Responsibility? That can’t be true.

Glad we still have our pets to tank as MM.


It’s bad thematically too for me. I had a goblin hunter that I enjoyed for a while. You could play it as, you know, a goblin. I had a big rifle, I could shoot rockets, when I shot something it sounded like I was using a gun not a bow shaped like a gun and no not a crossbow. Then they just changed it all of a sudden. Guns sound like bows, abilities focus very little on gun-wielding, so I just dumped it. Probably gonna gut it. I think I’ll go in a corner and hope someday they give us a proper gun-wielding class.

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2 things of note here.
1st, Siren isle is your friend. Get rid of those greens.
2 seconds of your time buying from the npc, 580+ and even upgrading since they are giving stones out like candy (or push through for the new zone blues).

2nd, growl was busted last night so pets weren’t actually tanking like they were supposed to.
Even me being near 630 was struggling because I am melee hunter over pulling because I thought my pet had my back.

Bro fist to my fellow fun spec enjoyer.

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Im at a 633. How much more gear you think I need?

Not talking about you
The OP is 585 ilvl

My point sadly still stands :frowning:

Ill have to fiddle with bm. I haven’t really messed with it in months, but I was also dark ranger m+ build.
Been surv for awhile, which still feels good. Also tried mm, which doesn’t feel bad per say.

Bm felt solid in raid last night. Not too many changes. The builds are similar.

Rotations actually easier.

Take kill shot and basilisk off of your bars.

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I agree with those that say BM is feeling worse or clunky after patch. The best way I can describe it is the feeling of going from fully geared out at the end of an expansion and then hitting the new max level and haste levels are low. I was crest farming a full week and a half before patch and it felt more fast paced than it is now.


Tbh I am missing my flanking strike from surv. It was pretty massive in m+. Easy gap closer after disengage or a quick 1 2 burst.

Ill have to mess with it because there are some keys I do swap to bm just because mechanics are a massive pain for melee lol.

I haven’t done any keys yet. I’ll probably mix a bit of sv and mm in some of the raid tomorrow and see how they feel.

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“In content outside of the undermined”
Do you really not understand basic English?

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