Because…Blizzard tuned hunters around a tier set noone will have for a month or so…so it IS an 8% nerf now. it does feel terrible.
Who at blizzard thought it would be better tuning around a tier set instead of tuning the tier set ? Lazy blizz, as usual.
The Hunter changes for BM and MM are pretty… meh.
MM is back to being a half-baked mess with nothing compelling or unique about it outside of - “Aimed Shot hits really hard.” Big whoop.
BM didn’t change much at all. Being able to choose between one beefy pet or two pets is about it.
The Pack Leader changes, I honestly don’t even notice. I see a lot of complaints about being forced to use Rexxar’s pets, but with all the Dire Beasts flying around, I almost never even notice them. The wyvern is the only one I notice because it appears above my character rather than in the swarm of beasts.
i see that about butt i never die . under gear ?
Not in the slightest having issues
Of course because you’re Ilvl 638…
This is an understatement. I want to use the pets my hunter has collected - not some other hunter’s pets. It’s beyond annoying.
Swapped to marks and played with no pet for all of the story/new quests. While it felt slow the up side was everything died before it go to me. Won’t be able to really judge until m+/raid comes out but power wise it felt fine.
Bro goes into new content and expects to take on 13 mobs with previous content gear. Like somehow, just like in every single patch in history past, you don’t need to gear up to overpower current world content.
At ilvl 638 i feel kinda bad…
It’s not bone-headed, it’s stubborn. For whatever reason our overlords simply don’t want us using our own stable of pets for things like that. Me, personally, whenever I see things like this, I assume it’s due to some sort of future limitation for things like playing on the xbox. I just accept these days that any sort of limitation that’s been set that involves things being bigger, brighter, bolder, or simpled down are due to MS wanting WOW to eventually be xbox ready.
Any advice for BM feeling a bit clunky following the update?
I don’t know if it feels clunky but it doesn’t feel good lol. Something feels off.
…me as MM hunter with pet fighting 5+ elites at once last night…yeah weak up we need a hmm buffs yes buffs
Either way it’s world content so if you’re having any type of issues it’s self play issues.
Then it’s a pebcak issue.
We gained damage last night. The only difference is we are using less abilities.
I’ve spent 20 years collecting pets and I hate this…
We just got new gear & more iLvls, new mobs are scaled to the new gear, go to old content and you will be fine.
Play something else then, which you will need to gear up anyway.
It feels exactly the same as before so far, even when switching to DR > PL with new skill build. And by exactly the same Im talking about rotation and Dps.
Good for me.
Yep, this for me is also the most annoying thing. I tame nothing but mechanicals and before this patch, all my hero abilities were summoning my mechanical pets from my stable which was awesomely satisfying.
This new patch completely changed that and the way my character looks and plays. I hate it!
Err… we had like… 3 months to gear up; between the anniversary (which was crapping out gear all over the place) and 7 straight weeks of timewalk (which would have gotten you at least as many heroic raid pieces), Siren isle (where you can just straight up buy 584 pieces as well as getting handed an incredibly powerful ring)… I have to ask how you are only 575 on a character that I’m guessing you’ve been playing for a while?
Like there really wasn’t an excuse for walking into this season at less then 600 if you put any real effort into the character.
No one is running DR though.