11.1 Hunter Changes (MM No Pet - Pack Leader rework)

paladin starts with a 2h. if you play prot, you can’t use that anymore and still function as a spec

warrior starts with a 1h and shield. if you play arm/fury, you can’t use that anymore and still function as a spec

hunters dont even START with a pet

it turns out specializations are…specializing

tons of things have changed over the years

shamans had to quest for their totems , hunter for their pet (so did warlock) , all healers needed a quest for the rez spell…and so on

The changes seem like Blizz is just throwing their hands up in the air, minimizing the impact of the pet AI being so useless; MM losing pets all together might make it a bit annoying in world content, and BM having the option to downgrade to 1 pet instead of two.

The Pack Lead changes are interesting on paper, but seeing how magnificently the ball was dropped on hunters early in the xpac–I’m justifiably worried. IMO it was, by far, the most prominent hunter fantasy spec…but the constant nerfs and adjustments to make it so mediocre compared to DR and Sentinel for both MM/Surv.

Hopefully it’s well-developed or not overly implemented where feedback falls on deaf ears.

I’m extremely frustrated with the changes to Marksman Hunters in 11.1. It feels like a lack of respect, and now my entire collection of pets is essentially rendered useless.

No thank you!


Kiting does not always work in solo content. You’d know that if you actually did any of it.

The core design still allows for summoning a pet, so you are 100% completely and utterly wrong on all counts again.


But it does. The only exception being rare elites that you’re not supposed to be able to kite.

Again I did all of that solo content when the expansion launched.

It’s so cute how correct you think you are.

The reality is that the only reason they had a choice was for world content.

No one used a pet in any form of group content.

So again you’re wrong.

You mean the elites that I can just use my pet on? So you are agreeing with me that Hunters are losing options.


Been playing MM since MOP. I understand people’s issue and I used to lvl with a pet. It would be nice to still have the option. It’s a loss, but honestly I feel it is a small price to pay for a spec that is more cohesive, functions better, and a build that makes more sense. There is a Bran tank now for delves and BM and SV are still there too. MM has been essentially petless for most of the game at this point. I’m excited to try it out and finally not have to pull out a pet to lust.


A tank that we can’t heal (you know, since we aren’t healers) isn’t going to last very long.

But I don’t like those specs.

Roughly halfway at this point. Lone Wolf was first introduced in 2014.


No. Hunters still have access to pets and ability to use them to tank elites.
Can even cast kill command.

We got some special individuals who keep babbling that we should just shut up and go BM instead of fighting for the way we’ve been playing for longer than most of the people who are for this change.


Looks like majority of wow

Slightly over 50%, big whoop.


that is indeed what the word majority means

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The person I responded to said it had been around for “most” of the game. Just over 50% is not really that big of a deal. They could just as easily remove Lone Wolf.


I agree with you that there’s too much of the “oh well, just play a different spec” mentality, and I think it mostly comes from fair-weather players that choose their class each xpac/season based around the meta or just those that don’t have the same history or appreciation for someone else’s viewpoint.

Regardless, I’m sure the decision has already been made–so the best we can really do is try it out and submit feedback.


You mean the elites that no one can solo?

More Ls man

I guess they forgot to tell me that. But that’s what I get for focusing more on solo content instead of staying in groups all the time.


The post says the eagle is not visible. It’s a “lore” excuse for giving the hunter those abilities with no pet.

“Oh, you don’t see a pet, but it’s because there’s an eagle you can’t see flying above.”

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What content is that ?

Doing open world WQs ?

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