11.1 Hunter Changes (MM No Pet - Pack Leader rework)

Hello Hunters,
I wanted to kick off a post to discuss the 11.1 hunter changes. The big one for me is MM losing pets but gaining a uniquely MM scouting Eagle.

There’s a lot to it, so I’ll just provide a link.

Personally, I am a big fan of these proposed MM changes. But I can see it being a defining moment that splits the community for a while.

Also I love how Pack Leader is going to incorporate Rexxars iconic pets.


Very much looking forward to this.

MM already doesn’t use a pet. We’ll be getting free utility (presumably) without the summon, dismiss, cast-before-he’s-gone routine.


It sounds great for MM. It seems though that spec gains the benefits of a pet but doesnt have to deal with the wonky UI.

I’m dissapointed that Blizz thinks BM is in a good place with regards to M+. It’s bottom of the barrel right now and Blizz is totally fine with that. Looks like I’m swapping to MM next patch.


At the verry bottom they mention hunter pets can have their spec changed at the stable now
A very good change but why is that not in hunters section lol?


At least Blizzard will let BM have a single pet and be viable enough (according to developer note).


I actually look forward to the MM changes. I just hope we’ll be decent enough to push high end raiding or M+


I’m so excited about this. I swapped to BM several years ago because I got so tired of MM. But BM has never felt “right” to me; I’ve always yearned to return to MM. Everything that I ever asked for has been provided here, with the exception of my wishes for the mobility the spec had in Legion (though I understand the logic behind keeping it less mobile—it’s a sharpshooter class, it should be more stationary).

My character’s theme/aesthetic is very moon/bird-focused, but also lone ranger-style. So with the eagle stuff, the removal of traditional pets, and the lunar storm visual updates (I hope it looks cool!!), I feel like this update is my dream come true. :] Not to mention the very pretty hunter set we’re getting. I’m officially excited for 11.1!


Wait, so are MM Hunters losing a HUGE amount of their solo-ing ability? I mean in a dungeon/raid setting is one thing, but losing the pet for open world stuff, delves, etc sounds absolutely miserable.


Hyped so far!

New Pack leader looks waaaaay better; I might actually be interested in BM for once.


Played hunter for like 10+ years and i just resubbed because i saw this news. Cant wait

I have wanted a pure range bow\gun spec in wow for basically since TBC. I hate pet micro management and this is perfect. I thought we would get another bow class but it seems like they are making MM a pure bow\gunner spec which is great.

This just means MM hunter will get more utility\mobility to deal with PVE mobs instead of just sitting there turreting with the pet taunting and it will be more run and gun which is great.

I just resubbed , prob gonna transfer to a new race, fantastic.


I had that same thought too, but, and not to be mean, you can always switch to SV or BM. But I’m sure Blizzard thought of it, and we won’t know how it is until we actually try it.


What a ****show.
Destroy Hunter identity even more. Awful change. What the hell is a Hunter, even? It’s not a pet class. It’s not a ranged class.
Marks can’t have pets? Not even some suboptimal solo ability to have my companion of 20 years by my side? Nada? some damn Eagle? What the hell? This pisses me off more than any single change in the two decades, in the 400 game days I’ve poured into this hellhole.

All I want, all I ever wanted was right there in the OG cinematic- a dwarf marksman shooting Aimed Shot while his bear face-tanks the Hordie.


Play BM and shoot with your bear. Most people like this change and it 100% has a identity as a ranger with a scouting pet that requires no micromanagement so you can focus on the range idea of marks.

I wouldnt be surprised if they bring some kind of aim shot to BM.


Yes, this is true on one side of the coin.
But on the other side is every other ranged dps.
I think we’ll be fine, and we can always use BM if we really need a pet to hold aggro for an extended amount of time.


I’ll just say what I said in the General forums.

I’ve gone through the work of changing my main MM’s profession from Leatherworker to Engineer. I’ve even tamed a couple of mechanical pets to better fit the new theme she has, and now I’m not going to be allowed to use those pets without having to swap away from the spec she’s been since I made her back in 2005?

Unacceptable! This breaks my class fantasy of a mechanically savvy, snipe rifle using, Marksman hunter.

Blizzard taking railroading to a whole new level. They’re even trying to gaslight us into what OUR class fantasies are.

Yes, I use a pet as MM when I’m out in the open world and Delves by-myself. I go Lone Wolf in Dungeons and Raids.

This change NEEDS to be cancelled or made a lot more customizable.



Okay but why does it have to be an eagle forced on us? why can’t they take the functionality of this eagle and apply it to whatever pet we want?

This is the whole reason that Hati has an appearance swapper mechanism- because people overwhelmingly want to be able to control how things look for themselves.


There is a world where you can have exactly what you’re wanting.


Im sure they will have glyphs or improve the system later on so you can pick what flying scout pet to use. They likely picked eagle because they want the lust\stun\pet abilities from the class tree to be usable and that is how they got it to work.



Give us the choice. Is that so hard to understand?


I mean it doesn’t seem that way lol. Go on the feedback thread and it’s almost universally negative.