11.1 Hunter Changes (MM No Pet - Pack Leader rework)

the irony in you being able to quote you saying “um I already answered this :nerd_face: I won’t repeat myself!” but you can’t quote yourself with the actual answer is quite funny

So, I know words are very hard for you. But I never said “can’t”. I said “won’t”.

The irony is that the reason I won’t is exactly the part I quoted that provoked your response, a quote you obviously still haven’t been able to read, thus proving the point of the quote itself.

right, because it doesn’t exist. this is so off topic we can stop now since you seem more into arguing then an actual discussion, but I can’t say I’m surprised

You literally wanted to make this about your gripes with people wanting a change to Aimed Shot for literally no reason. I’m not even one of the people wanting a change.

Don’t be precious about things going off-topic when you literally made them off-topic.

no lol? I brought up that people on this forum want the 3 hunter specs to be nearly identical (bow + 1 pet + full movement) and you decided to take that really personally and bring up completely unrelated things because you love to argue

yes lol?

That’s literally not true. I responded to your weird nonsequiter with counter-examples of how that would work for other classes.

You decided everything was about your “limited unlimited movement” weirdness at that moment.

I can still scroll up and read, sweetie. I get that you haven’t learned that skill yet, but it is very easy.

You will miss 80% of this post with your response.

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I understand (my old doggy died on Christmas Eve, so this is even more of a :-/) but was already running around without a pet 95 percent of the time. You can always spec BM and lean into the pets again.

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Thats a answer i like !

Casting Aimed Shot while moving(only during Cheetah if talented to do so) sounds amazing. It sounds so amazing I never would have known asking for it would result in getting Aimed Shots while moving. If casting everything or almost everything on the move would be a great asset (I know BM enjoys it), I would expect MM players to want it, even if they had yet to ask for more damage rotation options while moving their character.

It’s a PvP talent, not a regular talent.


Thanks for reminding me actually forgot about that. I pretty much only pvp so in my brain that just went into the total kit, my mistake.

Ironically, they told us we could play MM when they took SV from us. Many of us have always despised BM. Despite that, I have a cat for BM. I farmed a very specific cat for MM.


!0 years ago they told us to play MM… Today they tell us to play BM… In 2035 they plan on removing BM from the game.

It’s all part of the 30-year plan to transition us safely into nursing homes.

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Your hyperbole dont actually talk about the problem blizzard changed one spec and assured people the other would be the right replacement, just to change later

“bows dont really fit our vision of a master of beasts, in the next patch it will be replaced with a whistle”


You joke, but its not something impossible

As a BM I’m very excited Pack Leader got much needed love, glad I stood by it because I just don’t see my character being a dark ranger.

These changes to MM might directly lead me to quit the game. The recent frequent adjustments to Hunters are too much for me to accept


Now MM hunter can be balanced to survive by itself without having to rely on a pet taunt bot. We still have more changes to come.

Im hoping this opens up MM to more kiting\mobility\utility or even healing.

Great rework idea sick of pet micro management on MM when its suppose to be about being a bow\gunner.


Can they though? Can they really? Are you SURE about that? Are you REALLY sure about that?