11.1 Hunter Changes (MM No Pet - Pack Leader rework)

I cancelled four of my 5 active subscriptions (the last one is annual). Debating whether or not I will be back this expansion. Haven’t played in more than a week. Seems pointless, and I’m sad about losing my pet. Really heartbroken.

I wish they would just make another class or spec instead. They needed to do that when they erased ranged SV. It’s needed even more now. This is like a kick in the teeth.


No point in arguing with people who are busy discussing the lore of Xal’atath feet.


no it’s not lol. your definition of unlimited and freedom of movement keeps changing to make sure you’re not wrong. every body on the planet would say bm has freedom of movement as a rpds.

WHY do you think players want AiS to be castable while movement?

I mean, it actually is. But you have proven that reading is not among your fundamentals, so ok.

Ahem. No sir, that is you. First it’s all melee and BM hunters. Then it’s only BM. Then it’s back. All this in spite of actual valid mobility complaints made by some melee classes.

Who ever did that?

While I do appreciate that you became so highly invested in me that you went ahead to stalk my post history, I did make it very clear I hadn’t noticed she even had bare feet until someone pointed it out.

For someone who went to the trouble of looking through my posts, you have done a very poor job of comprehending anything you read.

In lieu of a real argument, you went full stalker and that is adorable.

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you keep avoiding my question. why do MM players want AiS to be castable while moving or instant? do you think BM doesn’t have freedom of movement / unlimited movement?

why do you think all rdps (but bm) have cast times?

No, I already answered it. You didn’t read it. I’m not obligated to repeat my answer, just for you to not read it again.

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I pressed on your profile and it was most recent thread.
While i understand that for you pressing a button might seem like something incredibly complex, it is actually not.

And I am especially not interested in reading any of it.

Of course.

Because you wanted to get to know more about me. A stranger on the internet. And you went ahead to use the only method you could to find out more about me.

Creepy stalker.

Just a hunter with camo on and tracking animals.

And looking for love in all the wrong places.

why do you think ranged dps (besdies bm) has stationary cast times? why do you think MM players want theirs removed?

You keep asking me questions. Thus far when I give you an answer, you don’t read that answer and just repeat the question.

Why should I bother answering your questions when you won’t actually read them and just ask again, or completely misunderstand it and think my answer is something else entirely that no reasonable person could interpret it as?

Serious question, I don’t expect an answer or for you to read it.

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Don’t like it. As someone that’s played a hunter since Vanilla. It destroys the aesthetic. This won’t just divide the community, allot of ppl will quit playing that class. Not having the pet should be optional for MM just like it is now. I got away from BM when the spec became too reliant on the pet and don’t like the weapon choices of survival hunter being only 2 handed melee weapons. Bring dual welding back and the ability to use ALL of the melee weapons our class has been coded to use.


You haven’t given an answer? If you did, please link it to me, I’m happy to admit I was wrong if you answered this. I brought up unlimited movement for rdps, you brought up mdps out of nowhere, and kept trying to distract the argument with nonsense.

You defined unlimited movement only ashaving no cast times. You never mentioned ranged. Stop lying about things you can scroll up and check.

I assume that refers to me answering your questions and you not reading those answers so you can repeat the question.

Because a discussion about upcoming changes turned into your weirdly limited version of unlimited, purely because you changed it to that when you couldn’t defend any of your prior points.

Which is quite literally distracting an argument with nonsense.

A hilarious response to a question you did not answer.

Man we were talking about ranged dps and MM. excuse me for thinking context matters.

Go on, please point out where you answered my question instead of this talking in circles thing lol

I’ve answered half a dozen of your questions thus far. You- Why repeat myself? Hold on.

Usually they do this to see your armory so they can say crap about the mode you play especially if you dont do M+ or raids

Its the very classic ad hominen fallacy


I noticed those types also usually only post on an alt or something. Funny that.

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doubt, people will pitch a fit and then get over it and go back to eating slop once there’s something new to be angry at