I love the idea of BM – but the actual play makes me want to throatpunch myself. I loathe to the same degree and I thoroughly enjoy MM.
I like how you think “has ranged weapon” demands all three specs be the same.
Do you feel all the melee classes are inherently the same because they use melee?
no? that’s just what most of the pro-pet MM people seem to want lol
they want BM to play differently, they dont like current MM, and they want RSV. they want one ranged spec with unlimited movement with no cast times. sooo many people ask for rsv all the time when it was barely different fantasy wise then MM
I want to be an archer!
I want to be an archer but my arrows do poison damage!
everything people want BM and SV to be can easily be a single talent or two on the normal MM tree
Well I mean, you’ve shown that reading isn’t your strong suit so far, so I’m sure saying “I don’t want to lose my pet” could look like just about anything to you.
Nobody asked for that. Your unnecessary hyperbole shows you’re a disingenuous person.
Replace archer with rogue, arrows with daggers.
You’re not even addressing an actual argument, just some strawman you created to set fire to.
You’re a troll.
wow absolutely great tone to have in a discussion
glad you interpreted my statement has “everyone says XYZ”
there are people all over this forum that have asked for that. why are you using huge statements like “nobody asked for that”
whatever you say bud
I mean, hard not to have that tone when you’re literally accusing me of not clarifying something I already clarified in the post you quoted to say I hadn’t clarified.
I didn’t accuse you of saying “everyone says XYZ” only not reading posts you respond to.
Y’know, like what you just did with this response.
No, you’re being hyperbolic. Nobody’s asking for unlimited movement. Not un-sarcasticly.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. A lot of people here ask for AiS with no cast time or always castable while moving. That’s probably one of the most requested things I’ve seen here since Dragonflight
That is not unlimited movement, sweetie.
But again, your skills at reading comprehension have been established.
yes? having no cast times and never needing to stop is the definition of unlimited movement darling.
what do you think it means lol
No sweetie, it isn’t.
yea it sucks for a few people who only play MM with pet but i dont think its the majority and time will tell if its a successful rework
I asked you directly what do YOU think unlimited movement is? if BM doesn’t have unlimited movement, who does lol
You did ask, but thus far whenever I’ve typed any form of explanation, you haven’t been able to actually read it or understand it. How about this.
Are you going to tell classes like DKs that struggle with movement-based encounters that they actually have unlimited movement purely because they don’t have cast times?
Do you think the only limit to movement now is whether you cast a spell with a standing cast time?
Hunters are definitely a very mobile class, no doubt. It’s not unlimited movement. That isn’t a real thing.
… 'Course history suggests you won’t read any of that and just come back and say some nonsense.
ranged DPS classes need a cast time and moments where they cannot move to balance against melee DPS.
DK are melee DPS.
yes, it is a real thing. BM has unlimited movement. you’re arguing just to argue now lol
why do YOU think people ask for instant AiS or castable while moving AiS?
And yet you have defined unlimited movement as the ability to move without cast times.
DKs have no cast times.
Do you believe that they have unlimited movement, or is your definition faulty?
You literally started responding to me just to argue that a spec is a specialty with a quote where I’d already made that distinction, with the added benefit of highlighting you didn’t know shadow priests weren’t exactly have holy damage spells in their rotation in Vanilla. Then followed that up by asking for clarification that had already been given in the exact same post you quoted to ask for said clarification.
You literally came around just to argue for arguments sake.
Don’t go lying about that now.
I mean yes, 99% of mdps do? lol?
do you think they dont? how often do mdps have to stop and cast?
a game like wow is balanced around rdps having to stop and cast while mdps dont. in exchange, rdps dont have to actually move to their targets because as long as the target is within range all they need to do is swap targets instead of physically move. why do you think pve group content tends to prefer rdps and have limited spots for mdps generally?
remember when you said NO MM player ever asks for cast-while-moving AiS?
what do you think this means?
No, I don’t remember saying that because I never did say it. Again, your failings at reading are prominently displayed.
I said nobody is seriously asking for unlimited movement.
And all the complains about melee movement, specifically DKs, are just… What? I mean, clearly THEY don’t believe they have unlimited movement. Even top end PVPers have issues with DK movement and the limitations they’ve dealt with over the years.
But what do they know, right? You are clearly the expert here.
you’re right, you never “nobody asked for that” when I said “they want unlimited movement with no cast times”
tons of people are. it’s THE most asked for thing for MM.
wait, so suddenly we can take top level players opinions into considerations? the ones that say no pet MM is good?
No, see, that is what I said.
But this?
That is a very different sentence.
Again, you and reading. Not good friends.
I mean no, they’re asking for Aimed Shot with either movement or no cast.
But then like… You also have to take into consideration the ones who have said “there should still be an option for pets”.
But I’m sure you couldn’t read their posts properly either.
I think these MM changes are excellent and interesting.