11.1 Hunter Changes (MM No Pet - Pack Leader rework)

That would actually be a decent solution if not for the fact that hero trees by design can simply built up slightly on top of an existing tree.

I personally believe that hero trees being non visual / thematical but actually mechanical changes has been a massive landmind for blizzard, because now you need to do 2x as much balancing, since the community will riot if one of the hero specs is worse (as seen in ± everywhere), so now you need to balance say sent and dark ranger in solo / raid / m+ against all other specs, instead of just balancing MM.

but this argument doesn’t make sense because it seems your definition of a “core” concept is pretty vague and non-committal.

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No, you’re just making it hard for people to tell if you’re a player who is genuinely sad about changes to their beloved class, or just another professional forum troll who found a great topic to work with.

“Ranged weapon-using pet class”. That is very committed.

How exactly is it vague?

Honestly, that’s not my problem friend. If you’re only skimming the actual discussion we had been having until you reached the post where I finally got too frustrated, then that’s on you. I’m not going to start putting disclaimers on my posts for the tldr crowd.

I know that sounds harsh, and I’m sorry. I get that a lot has been typed and it’s hard to keep track of who said what. But end of day, it’s not my obligation to show unending reserves of patience just so you don’t assume I’m entirely disingenuous.

Especially when you respond with baseless accusation that make your own intentions seem disingenuous, whether intended or not.

I mean, at the core I’m not against 90% of the MM changes.

NGL, it really is about the pets for me. Nearly 20-ish years on this hunter now, and I have boring pet taming stories for… Not even days, it’d probably take months to type them all, and I’m sure I’d forget a few. I’ve tried BM, and it’s playstyle just is not for me at all. So losing access to all those stored up memories, not only of taming my pets but stupid and silly things I’ve only been able to do because I had a pet, just doesn’t sit right.

Especially when we already have a workable way that just really, truly does need some tuning.

Lone Wolf is fine. It just needs to come with a button that allows you to use the big cooldown ability (it’s bloodlust, obviously) of your slot #1 pet. And if you want to add more flavor to that? Hero Talents are literally right there and should have immediately been the go-to. I picked Sentinel, just because then it also gives SV the option to go petless if they wanted.

WoW never does well when options are restricted, and this change is pure restriction. Want no pet? Too bad, bird. Want pet? Too bad, bird.

Unless some of y’all were out here really just craving a bird-only spec, I don’t see who this perfectly caters to, and instead see it as giving both sides what they don’t want.

EDIT: Ahem. So all that to say, I’m not even against a core talent overhaul that adds in the functionality of this “New-New MM” spec.

I’ve got my answer, thank you. I wish you the best of luck.

well for starters that doesn’t apply to two of the three specs on the class. I think you should try again

Caters to all MM hunters who understand Blizzard is moving the spec is towards a new identity akin to a true ranger/sharp shooter without pet mangement/pet centric gameplay which will remain the playstyle for BM and Surv.


I think had you read some of the posts that you actually responded to, you’d’ve seen I already addressed that.

But I’m asking too much, aren’t I?

No problem, you’re welcome.

Disclaimer: This is also not me asking you to clarify the changes, nor am I accusing you of making them.

“the core concept is XYZ but that doesn’t apply to 66% of the class”

Yes, I know you read the post you most recently replied to.

Hilariously, the post you responded to where you claimed I never “defined the core defining features” had this.

I was absolutely asking too much.

Ironic since it’s the petless people who want to take away choices while the people who want to keep their pets want to make them completely optional so everyone is happy.


correction its Blizzards choice and direction for the spec its not like those who dont like to play MM with a pet are literally coding it away from the game. All we can do now is leave feedback and see what they will do. Maybe they will keep pets for MM or maybe they will go the melee surv rout and ignore the feedback of those who dont want the changes.

Leaving the pet option is less drastic of a measure than what they did with Survival. Going from ranged to melee was a far bigger change than just letting us keep the pets we can already use.


yeah make sense but I think on the contrary of what they did to Surv the changes to MM take the spec on a good direction but I guess one could say its a matter of taste and its subjective but honestly I do think MM needs the shake up and I am glad they decided to change and reimagine the spec


you have to keep in mind a lot of peopel arguing for pro-pet MM just want 3 slightly different versions of the same spec: 1 hunter with 1 pet that fires arrows that do slightly different things


Dang. Hunters going full Huuuuunnnntttttteeerrrr!


1 mage with Blink and spells that do slightly different things.
1 rogue with stabbing abilities that do slightly different things.
1 warlock with 1 pet that casts spells that do slightly different things.

You can do quite a lot with classes that “do slightly different things” between specs to give them dynamically different playstyles, without removing whole intrinsic pieces of the class.

yeah we definitely need mm, mm with pet, and mm with dots. great class design. we should rework mage so it’s frost mage, sleet mage, and snow mage

Yeah it is a fake pet, as i stated, it is a pet but it doesnt work as one, by their own words:

Whatever you say to make you feel right i guess.

Specializing is not throwing away stuff that should be part of your basic toolkit

Imagine if Prot warriors and paladins, to “specialize” in tanking bliz removes the option for then to to use weapons? only shields? you would have clowns saying: “If YoU wAnT wEaPoNs Go PlAy FuRy/aRmS” "weapons isn’t part of prot fantasy and theme’’

Shadow priests still use holy abilities, even when they are specialized in shadow magic, they can still heal, shield and use other healing abilities

Removing pets from MM entirely would be like removing any holy skill from shadow.

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I want a pet. My main is MM and I play with various pets. One I have had since my first day in game. I’m not allowed to have my 19 year old wolf by my side just because? (And no, I do not want to main BM or Survival.)