Right, but Bran tanks for us in Delves in 11.1. So really it’s just world elites. Every other class that doesn’t have access to a pet faces the same issue vs world elites, they need a group. You at least have the option of BM instead of a group if you want.
Bran tanks for healers in 11.1, to allow healers the ability to effectively solo delves as healing specs.
We would not have any ability to heal Bran, since Mend Pet doesn’t work on NPCs, and this we would be entirely dependent on Bran’s self healing being enough that he can effectively solo the dungeon. I very much doubt that’s the design intent.
I don’t know. It just seems a shame that, if I want to continue using the pets I’ve taken years to find and tame and farm whilst playing Marksmanship, I have to switch to another spec–and that the reason given for this is that people want access to Lust while petless. It just kind of feels like giving them that and keeping Lone Wolf–maybe even by baking it into Lone Wolf–would be a lot easier and less of a faff than making this whole rework.
I don’t see what anyone gains by taking pets away from a whole spec as an option. Like, sure, you can have petless be the best option for group content–as it currently is, or as it would be if Hunter also had access to Lust using Lone Wolf–while still preserving the ability for folks who enjoy Marksmanship’s playstyle to use a pet if they want to. It seems a better option than stripping away the choice.
Ok, I see. I didn’t understand it that way until you pointed it out and I re-read, thank you for that.
I mean the rework broadly is cool and thematic, and removing MM’s reliance on the pet for core utility is a positive.
My issue is with the removal of pets as an option, not that a rework is happening.
It’s not just lust, it’s also people who play solo as a master archer. I don’t like bringing out my pet. * I * am the one who brings the power as MM, not reliance on a pet.
I already play without a pet even solo, for a few xpacks. I use the tools that enable * me * to be a master archer. Roots, traps, stuns, knockbacks, slows, and mobility. I get whispers of people who are amazed at the amount of control I have over large packs of mobs.
In addition, there are times I want other pet utilities.
- Last boss of Ara Kara (and many similar fights) I remove my own roots with disengage then remove roots from a healer with master’s call
- There are times I want the healing reduction if no one else has it
- There are times I want the additional health, or leech to live in higher keys in seasons I run them
- Stun (without sacrificing a talent) is extremely useful in all content
- Roar of Sacrifice helps in all situations and you can use it to help protect other party members not just yourself
- PvP it’s required or you are at a distinct disadvantage
Every time I must pull out a pet for these things, it feels bad.
I’ll be honest, I truly never understood using a pet to tank as MM. If I want to sit back and do a PvE rotation while my pet does the work, there’s another spec built exactly for doing that. MM is not BM. MM is exciting and challenging.
There isn’t though. BM is not that either.
BM is directing your pet to rip your enemies to shreds, and firing some arrows while you do it.
However, Sentinel and Dark Ranger are based after to classes, and the closest class that Pack Leader can take inspiration from is Rexxar.
BM is technically already Pack Leader as it’s whole fantasy is just calling a army of beasts. Can use Glyph of Dire Stable to summon our own pets, and can call on Hati or Fenryr for aide.
Each beasts that Pack Leader calls has a story behind them, and has lore. Pack Leader is being given a stronger connection to Hunters than just some buffs that doesn’t say these are Hero talents.
Then don’t use a pet. It like someones holding a gun at you, screaming, “You need to use your pet.” If you don’t need one the just don’t call them. Someone needs lust in a group than tell them you don’t use a pet.
Not every player a top Marksman or can just perfectly control crowds. Some use their pets as an tank cause they don’t have perfect coordination. Removing the pet is tell them you have only one way to play MM, so now you need to learn how to kite and slow, or trap. This how you turn away a new player from a spec.
It’s not just lust, it’s everything else I listed. I could play a warrior without a weapon if I wanted nothing stops me… I could play a mage without Ice Lance… But it doesn’t make much sense. I break the fantasy of being an archer for the sake of the group I’m in - but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel bad.
I honestly don’t understand this argument.
I’ve been using my pet to tank Delves tiers 8 through 11.
I take a few talents that buff their survivability (which buffs my survivability as well). Before I pull, I toss out a MD followed by Mend Pet. And Brann’s potions heals the pet, too. YOU run to the potions and drink them, and bam! Your pet gets a huge chunk of their health back…
Oh… and I use a scalehide pet!
When I did that deathless tier 11 run, my kodo died twice to the boss, and that’s it. She handled the rest of the delve pretty well. The only time my kodo ever dies is if I didn’t pay attention to her health. Otherwise, I regularly have her tank large groups of mobs and she does just fine with both Brann’s potions and Mend Pet. She also does fine holding aggro — I use a MD macro every cooldown, then immediately follow up with a Multishot and Rapid Fire (plus an Aimed Shot if it procs). There you go — a lot of threat just got dumped onto the pet.
I honestly don’t get why people are struggling to keep their pets alive on MM. I’ve never had trouble with that.
Again no one is telling you that you need to have your pet out. The pressure to have it out for lust is about you. Make it clear that your an archer and don’t use your pet. Is it all your bring is a haste boost?
Not sure why you’re focusing on lust and not the other items. There’s lots of things I sacrifice for the group I’m in, this is one of them. I would prefer not to have to sacrifice for it, it’s really that simple.
I’m not taking anything away from you just because I want the utility without a pet. Blizzard is making those two things mutually exclusive, you’ll have to take that part up with them - not me.
That’s all you’re giving up by loosing your pet. You made it clear you can solo without one, they don’t add to dps, so then you don’t need to have your pet.
This change is about those who keep their pet around cause they use them for more than M+ or Raids. Blizzard can still have pets optional for MM, and it would effect little.
All these changes still can be added with a pet. They just have pets as an talent choice, so it’s still optional.
Like I said previously, without a pet we’re giving up Roar of Sac, Master’s Call, Stun (unless we pay a talent point), Mortal Wounds, extra health, and more - all of which I use in various content sometimes for a clutch save.
I assure you I am not a high end player. I am a long time hunter that knows the ins and outs of pets and when to use them. I would prefer not to have to use them.
I am not advocating for the removal of pet from MM. I am not suggesting their decision to remove it was best. I’m only giving my feedback that I am -for- the ability to play without a pet without losing the things a pet brings.
You’re also down a point because you have to buy Lone Wolf to begin with
1000% agree would prefer not to have to
Unfortunately it seems like you will continue to be based off of how zealous the pro-pet camp of MM seems to be. Maybe in midnight your spec can be changed to be less of a frankenstein
Instead of Lone Wolf now they should call it Big Wolf and it calls a big wolf to tank for you
Then those abilities can be moved over to the player’s control. My issues are that to give that utility to player’s they need to remove the pet from MM.
MM could have their pets be nothing but a aggro focus for when they are soloing. New players will need practice to get the idea of CC, so having a back up would give them time.
Not everyone wants to play BM hunter just cause it’s the only range spec that has pets. Everyone should get to play the way they enjoy.
Super unrealistic. I want to play dual wield ret but I know that’s never going to happen. People want to play tank shaman, also not going to happen. You can’t make nor expect them to make gameplay styles, classes, etc to meet every single possible niche