11.1 Hunter Changes (MM No Pet - Pack Leader rework)

BM should never go back to a singular pet. They have a shared kinship with animals, and they all obey their call. What kind of master of beasts only adventures with a lone pet?

using the current parse information MM is ahead of survival at least for raid. Survival first couple of weeks of the xpac had like 70,978 parses in heroic whereas marks has 194,409 parses. Same kinda deal with normals.

If you look at .5 its the same deal

I dont think survival is as popular as people think it is imo. Most people would say survival is one of the least popular specs in the game.


But some people like micromanaging their pet/s because it’s active fun engaging game play. And while I play BM, I doubt I’d feel differently if I played MM or SV.


You and I have a vastly different recollection of that time…….

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The dwarf with the bear was a MM hunter.

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on WCL I see around 8k parses for SV in the raid on Mythic and 7k for MM for the last two weeks. for heroic its 22k SV and 20k for MM.

what “current parse information” are YOU looking at?

Warcraft log nerubar palace and looking at the first 2 weeks of each patch heroic\normal.

The game is dead right now so no point in looking at current parse info you look at the start of the expac or .5 where people actually played.

Using Mythic raiding is a terrible comparison for the “average player”. the average player doesnt mythic raid As well.

Survival first couple of weeks of the xpac had like 70,978 parses in heroic whereas marks has 194,409 parses

Survival is a unpopular spec at least for heroics\normals and mythic dungeons.

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Legion Survival was the best. They ruined it afterward. Current Survival still sucks.

Make it the full melee Rexxar spec it clearly wants to be. Miss me with this “a bit of ranged and a bit of melee and none of the satisfaction of leaning into either one fully” nonsense.

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Here to mention this too. I use Eagle Eye as SV more often than EotB for obvious reasons, you just drop the target almost anywhere, just need to be outside.

Ok, fine, but I’d like to see the pet have a move speed buff applied when EotB is active, the pet moves too slow to check the target spot and dash duration is too short to be useful here.

I listed heroic as well.

Your whole point seems to be “if you ignore when the data shows I’m wrong, I’m actually right”

If you look at real key levels too it’s more popular in m+ as well :thinking:

my point is mythic raiding is a small proportion of hardcore players. whereas normal and heroic have more players so using only mythic raiding data to say survival is popular is trolling and being disingenuous.

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okay that’s why I ALSO included heroic raid data which you seem to be ignoring entirely lol

I just listed heroic raiding data which supported my claim, you are comparing the end of a season “dead as heck” and ignoring the hundreds of thousands of parses at the start of a big patch and using 10k parses as your point.

20k survival\MM hunter parses right now in the last 2 weeks compared to the start of the season where we have way more players which allows us to see what people actually play.

also just using armory data is way better than parsing data.

Just watch MM next major patch will absolutely blow survival parses out of the water just like it did at the start of the expansion before everybody quit.

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I’m listing the current data right now. You can disagree with it all you want, but it’s the real data. You can’t arbitrarily decide certain segments don’t count because you don’t like what they say. If SV was the “useless abomination that nobody likes” that you and others seem to imply it is, then it’d be consistently the least played, which it isn’t.

Even if we look exclusively at your highly specific segmented data from specific times that purely supports your point SV still isn’t the lead played spec in the game.

you mean to tell me a spec that’s been a huge mess since 2018 gets a major rework will see increased player numbers? :exploding_head:

You are using data from the end of season where nobody is playing. Its a terrible use of data.

Here is the real data from the start of the expansion and the second major patch:

Normal difficulty First 2 weeks of raid of this expansion:
Survival - 35,256 parses , 70.95 score
Marksmanship - 111,321, 65.56 score (way less damage than survival).

Using the current patch when the game is dead and we only have 10-20 thousand parses a week is clowning yourself. Everybody that plays wow knows that survival is a unpopular spec and you are reaching hard saying its a popular spec because the final month of the raid has some survival hunters and to ignore the majority of player statistics from the start of the expac.

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People are playing. You just don’t like the results.

“This information doesn’t count because uh less people are playing.” You can easily just skew your information as less passionate people play and immediately quit, so clearly MM is a poorly designed mess. Isn’t interpreting data fun?

relative to parsing data from the start of the expac to now the numbers are way down.
First 2 weeks of the expac had 2,600,000 normal parses and the last 2 weeks has 200,000 normal parses.

You are trolling now lmao. Wouldnt be surprised if survival gets reworked.

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The irony of saying this when MM is actively being reworked because players don’t like the current gameplay or fantasy xd

Yea and even though MM hunter needed a rework it still has far more popularity than survival which has been reworked and updated a bunch

Good luck with the new rework, hopefully you guys get a more concrete identity and less of a frankenstein. maybe the gameplay will finally be fun too