11.0.2 Updates—Now Live!

It’s all meaningless. My warrior still does TWICE the dps my mage does.
Same ilvel, same key level.

And I see you buffed Death Knights? Get a clue.

Some of these changes are from previously datamined/deployed changes to the PTR and/or Beta. Just FYI for anyone thinking they just got nerfed, and then nerfed again, it may be the same set of changes.


i guess it is good to get a bit of time to adjust.

+2s are a complete rollercoaster right now lol with either a) dps absolutely BLASTING, or b) people somehow having zero idea of mechanics. at least with with tanks being OP, we can survive. we’ll see how it goes when we are squishy…

So is removing player fun just something you plan on doing more and more, I mean Srsly. These are some serous numbers. I get they are ment to balance with the Hero Talents, but for crying out loud this just completely nerfs BM Hunters in to the ground.

  • Beast Mastery
    • Pet melee damage reduced by 10%.
    • Laceration damage reduced to 8% (was 15%).
    • Kill Command damage reduced by 20%.
    • Huntmaster’s Call Hati and Fenryr attack damage reduced by 33%.
    • Dire Beast damage reduced by 10%.
    • Smack damage reduced by 10%.
    • Stomp damage reduced by 10%.
    • Barbed Shot damage reduced by 25%.
    • Laceration now has proper support attribution.
    • Fixed an issue with Territorial Instincts summoning an extra pet when talented into Animal Companion.
    • Fixed an issue that was causing Laceration to contribute 100% of pet critical strike damage instead of 8%.

I was really hoping that you would hold off on tank nerfs until the new expansion actually launched. I had plans to keep doing mplus to upgrade my gear, but not sure I want to find out how “fun” old content that certainly wasn’t tuned with these nerfs in mind, will end up being.


And to think I was just enjoying to play pally for once.



Well illustrated. Thank you Ayukama.

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I made a thread about it a couple of days ago, but couldn’t find many who cared. I think it’s sad they’ve broken something that has worked fine for decades and we’ve yet to be updated on it.

Ret pallys hammered.



Considering what i have seen on Beta, Warlock specificly Destro seems to be absolutly smashing the Charts.

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feral was really weak …

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Lol, couldn’t let frost be good for even a pre patch event. Jesus Christ.

Fun while it lasted.


In prepatch Warlock feels weak in comparison to most of my other toons but I’ve still so far really enjoyed trying out Affliction and the changes I see here look positive.

I’d still like my healthstones to work.


Okay so what’s the thought process to the massive amount of nerfs to Holy Paladins. I get its prepatch and everything is experimental, but this is absurd.


I think they’re getting their data from the ptr and in house. Its likely a lot of the nerfs are because the class was overperforming, and i also think they like to rotate what classes perform the best to an extent.

Holy Paladin was the strongest healer in level 80 keys prior to those changes. That’s the basic idea there.

My poor tank warrior was nerfed

Well, these changes are kinda just the Buffs and Nerfs that happend over the Beta and are rolled out now, because well we are pretty much only like 2 Weeks away from TWW release.

So yeah, Warlock is probably going to be a absolut blast when we all get our hands on Hero Talents, T-Set, Trinkets and Crafted gear and what not.

So we can consider this the Release Patch balance wise, who knows what happens during the Start of the xpac.


Ow. OW.

Did BM Hunters have a brief flickering second where they even appeared on DPS charts or something?


Can’t say I enjoy the current Blizzard ‘push it live, no matter what state, iterate as we go along in live’ model.