11/13/19 issues with log ins - FIOS NJ and Other ISPs

Same here, everything is fine except getting into WoW

Here we go again for the third day in a row

Brick NJ , and friends in Howell, both FIos both stuck at logging into game server.

South jersey FIOS - down again!

Here we go again. Disconnected and stuck on “Logging in to game server” or a black character screen.

Anyone ever call Verizon about it or asked Blizzard?

Just happened to me as well. did a vpn fix this for anyone?

I am unable to login with FiOS in NJ, but I can login via my cell phone’s hotspot (AT&T).

Yup, Toms River NJ, Vios down again. Stuck at connecting.

I had this Thursday night (well, every day since Thursday). I ran a Verizon speed test (2 PCs, 1 phone) and Router -> Internet was fine; but Device -> Internet failed. I had a friend in the area also with Fios, with the same internet package, run the same test and he got the same thing.
I reached out to Verizon to ask about known performance degradation in the area and they claimed no issues on their end.

So basically Verizon and Blizzard are Spider-man meme-ing right now, pointing at one another.

Asbury Park Fios, stuck at black character select screen right now

Before 5pm I wasn’t having issues. Same as yesterday.

I was on teh final boss of Uldaman last night - we were just about to kill him and this happened. Please resolve the issue for us, Blizzard.

Same here, and then today around 4 pm started having the issue but was able to get in 5 mins later…and then again tonight around 9 pm same thing. everything else works fine though

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Bliz - we would be happy to contact FIOS - but what are we going to say. “Hey Fios, we are unable to play our video games. Sure we can login and play videos at the same time but there appears to be lag”… and expect to get a resolution.

We need a specific syntax that will provide Fios with the information necessary to diagnose the problem. Please give us a port, ip addresses, protocols, etc… necessary along with a network contact that Fios can reach.


North NJ Fios same issue. Been happening for a week. WTH is the problem? Blizz says its verizon, verizon says its blizz. I just want it fixed.

I don’t even think it’s a Blizzard issue. Feels like a Verizon issue.

FIOS in central jersey, black login screen as well.

Disconnected from WoW while able to talk on discord the entire time. I don’t have any issues with other games or programs.

Middletown NJ, Verizon FIOS user. Every other game works fine. Blizzard needs to contact Verizon and get this figured out because this is getting ridiculous. 3 days in a row of this crap so Blizzard must know there is a serious issue here.