10.2.6 was based on Community Feedback?

It was secret because they knew we’d hate it


Personal opinion… if I wanted to play Fortnite I would go play Fortnite… come on blizz try doing something useful like more content for retail, there are a billion different storylines you could have put this waste of time and resources into… heck I would have even taken a dragon flight version of Torghast over this absolute trash. how in the world did this actually pass a community review? The Fortnite bandwagon sailed long ago. I doubt even true wow PvPers really want this. Stop trying to bring in the 7-10 year old crowd blizz. this is the same as that AMAZING pokemon go battle pet crap you put in the game. yeah collecting pets was fun, but it didn’t need to really go any further then that.
sorry but wasting our time and money cause you have the servers down all day trying to put this crap in when it could have been totally its own thing just seems useless. I get you want to see if there is a crowd for it to gauge if you want to make it its own game but no thanks. GIVE US MORE STORY CONTENT and stop trying to bring in the under 12 crowd. I mean classic isn’t even actual vanilla anymore.


WoW playerbase: “This game sucks, same game with new raid/season. Do something new.”

Blizz does something they’ve never done before in a MINOR patch

Also WoW playerbase: “This is dumb, nobody asked for this. Why not put that energy into new content.”

Yall will never be satisfied. If it were an actual major patch and it were forced content, Id feel the same as you. But minor patches are usually just bug fixes and class tuning and they actually pushed out something that could be fun. Furthermore, IT’S OPTIONAL.

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Some are hyped for a new game. but honestly what does this have to do with wow as a mmo? NOTHING. ppl are pissed bc it’s fortnite but with a wow skin. has nothing to do with the characters they actually play, either classic or retail. that’s why ppl are annoyed. theyre just trying to jump on the BR hype, just many years after its been popular.


Yeah it’s a mini game designed to be fun, you’re right what was I thinking. They should have made something barely interesting or fun like dreamsurges.

Then the countless people who troll should stop trolling.

As a 15-ish year subscriber, I can’t recall them ever asking me or any of my old guild members anything about Fornite Pirates.
I can’t recall ever once seeing anybody say they wanted anything even remotely like this.
They spent probably at least 2 hours actually working on this. That’s two hours they could have been patching the game up to fix some of the balance issues, or pvp issues, or any of the actual problems in the game???
But nope, let’s make pirates. Cool for the people who like pirates, but what about the other 95% of us?

That’s a lot of wasted time and money for absolutely nothing that anybody asked for.


That will last 6 weeks.

I’m just going to leave this here…

The only thing I got kinda wrong was caring about servers being up. But that is because this was sold as us learning about it all together, and an announcement post spoiling 100% of everything before we event got to log in could never have been anticipated from their messaging.

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I think if they had just tweaked the theme to be “everyone’s a murloc”, instead of boring old pirates, more people would be on board with this. I’m not saying I would enjoy it completely, as I’m not a PvPer, but the goofiness of murlocs would’ve won me over.

Missed opportunity.

You do realize that a lot of people let go were in positions that will probably be handled by Microsoft now .

They added more when they added Purchased Proletariat and added them to work on wow back in 2022.

In February 2019, after a round of layoffs at [Activision Blizzard](https:// wowpedia. fandom .com/wiki/Activision_Blizzard), it was announced that the team would be expanded.[[3]](https:/ /wowpedia. fandom .com/wiki/Team_2#cite_note-3) [Proletariat](https:/ wowpedia. fandom. com/wiki/Proletariat) has been working with Blizzard since May 2022, working with Team 2 on World of Warcraft and later were bought by Blizzard in June 2022.[[4]](https:/ /wowpedia .fandom. com/wiki/Team_2#cite_note-4)[[5]](https: //wowpedia . fandom
com/wiki/Team_2#cite_note-5)[[6]](https: //wowpedia
.fandom. com/wiki/Team_2#cite_note-6)

Note that the heads of WoW have said they are already working on the next to expansions at the same time and have a tteam dedicated to the remainder of DF.

Someone else said this best, this is cut content from BfA because they didnt have the time or resources or something to make an actual patch.

I am done defending this game. This is insulting.


bs this is for them. what pvpers want is a mode that they can use their character in to play the game not some crappy battle royale. get it straight


I’m also a little surprised. Honestly with all the “Community Feedback Patch” they’ve alluded to, I figured there’d be some long awaited class tweaks as a “here’s something to hold you over for War Within” kind of stuff. Not like major reworks but the sort of quick, easy-brownie-points kind of changes.


Yea this totally missed the mark for me and I am hearing a lot of players feel the same. Who wanted a pvp event that you couldn’t even play your own toon in? This should be a side event within an event at best. Also tied to limited time rewards and rep… please. Hot garbage


if this was based on the community then i hate all of u


no that’s just them gaslighting the community again into thinking we’re the reason they make bad content


By “community feedback” they meant themselves and another share of the market they think they can attract.

As for the wow community, why would they care what they think? They’re suckers that pay for this kind of stuff.


Thats why they removed arena teams and removed 5s and changed the MMR system to now make it to where you can even lose more than you win and still get glad as long as you play enough. They made it so that you can now just buy WoW tokens and get a boost from any random player now as there are now no teams so no way you can be locked in and be forced to play with a select group of people towards the end of the season when you used to be locked into your teams. There are 100X as many PvP boosts now without the teams. Works well for Blizzard though so that is the only reason why they will never put arena teams back in. PvP titles used to be given out by %s, not by base ratings. And it usually used to get more difficult every season in the expac.

You had 14 PvP titles for Horde in original WoW, 14 for Alliance, 1 unique one for both factions, so 29 PvP titles in total in original Classic. Then you had the Gurubashi arena event that is open world PvP. You only had one single event in all of that that gave a PvE title. Then TBC comes out, the game was balanced along the PvP, they added a new feature for PvP, arenas. PvE didnt get much of anything that unique. And plus 100% of every advertisement that you ever saw ever for WoW back in the day showed players in the PvP gear,not PvE gear.

I like PvP more. And in HC we got Mak Goras. That is PvP related. Nothing that unique was added for PvE. Also, the most populated servers in the world have ALWAYS been PvP servers.

K. I was bored for a little bit. Now I go back to playing WoW. No need to keep posting on the forums anymore. Wont play Wrath though. Why? Everyone I know already quit it and went private. Oh…idk I still want to play Wrath and there currently seems only one way to do so and that way is not being offered by Blizzard…so… I will still play Wrath. The ACTUAL Wrath.

You people go enjoy your Cata.

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“Secret patches that really didn’t require to be secret at all.”

This cringe content was secret because they knew the community would demand the developers and manager who approved this atrocity be drug tested…