10.2.6 was based on Community Feedback?

Yeah, I’m calling BS on the community asking for a battle royale mode.

Blizzard saw that everyone else was doing it, so why not add it to WoW?



  1. Lets not be disingenuous here they’ve said it could be a reoccurring event depending on its reception.

  2. Pvpers have been asking for a new game mode for years. The game mode itself also took into to account the feedback that there are too many abilities in pvp to make it accessible (scaling down abilities) and that addons are required to even be competitive (telegraphing abilities clearer).

  3. See 2

  4. They said they wanted to try something different and they did.

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Two things.

  1. The more they point out how little it will impact the actual game by being as optional as it is, the more I have to ask why not instead make something that actually DOES impact the game? This is obviously marketing testing at its most blatant.
  2. Given what’s been shipped, or at least what we’ve been told, I expect the actual interest level after day 2 or 3 to be similar to their last limited time alternate game ply event. You know, warcraft rumble.
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I am going to see if this is content I can get my kids to do as long as it does not use any of my toons.

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It is a faux appeal to legitimize their creative decisions. I suspect this is entirely driven by earnings potential for shareholders. I imagine these woefully out of touch people look at the success of games like fortnight and simply said “YES, THAT.”


remind me whats the official community feedback

This is the worst part, honestly. I thought it was going to be another secret-finding event or, you know, something that actually benefits from being hidden from the community. But no, they just wanted a few more weeks before they got mocked for introducing a pointless sidegame years after it could’ve been relevant.


Legitimately wondering; Has anyone ever played a PvP mode with PvE in it that they enjoyed? Every single one that I’ve played people eventually quit because of the PvE.

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Did anyone actually ask for this? This is horrible. Its a great example of how out of touch Blizzard is with its fanbase/community right now…


Except I think a lot of that feedback was trolling and not at all serious, besides the Pirates part.

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I asked for it once a long time ago. Guess I’m community. #Flex.

And I’m someone who’s all down for some secretive patches, but the fact they chose this as the one to keep secret is just strange.

A fair question. Certainly in WoW, epic battlegrounds have always been a hard sell. I can’t think of any that have much staying power except Alterac, and I suspect that’s only because of its age.

Because it is for little kids(for a reason) and not the game we’re logging into?

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They have… but people have also pointed out (myself included) that people aren’t playing MMO’s like they used to in the past, and that more people are playing lobby style games that are a quick in and out that doesn’t have the grind behind getting a character to a playable state.

while I won’t be partaking of this event, cause Blizzard can’t balance PVP to save their lives people have indeed asked for something akin to this. Maybe not this exactly but Blizz is being Blizz and playing corrupt a wish cause people don’t get specific enough.

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this has been a solid L by the wow devs. with another boring fated season again, i dont see the L’s stopping.


I find it funny that players have said this is going to be good but also that a major complaint against Blizzard is that they can;t balance OvP in wow, so when they bring out a new event that is pure PvP, why does anyone expect it to be balanced or anything considering Blizzard;s past history with OvP?

People have been pretty specific. Class balance, complete specs that make sense, stop adding so many modifiers that only make the classes feel weak outside of stacking, and cut down on all of the visual bloat. All of these things effect population participation.


i guess their version of balancing for the BR is the fact you gotta pick up abilities so you aint gonna have your whole loadout lol

still a horrible idea imo

not to defend blizz…

but back when pubg and fortnite were popping, people did say stuff like “It would be cool to have this in WoW”.

Now the thing is everyperson that said that, had a different idea of what that would be…

but I bet few thought “generic toons and rng skills and power”…

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