10.2.6 was based on Community Feedback?

I think the people who have asked for patches to not be fully datamined before release were generally referring to story content being spoiled.


Steals another game idea to integrate into WoW.

This is kind of genius but not really as far as the average WoW player is concerned. Which seems to be exactly who Blizzard is no longer interested in appeasing.

Gotta get those numbers up!


This. I think even Holly just tweeted that they would stay “silent” once the patch/notes hit.


Basically, we all provided feedback saying we love Splatoon’s Splatfest and we want that in WoW?

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I think its far less “Community feed back said they want X-Y-Z”
and more so
Community feedback indicates
“people dont pvp due to complexity and or because they lack gear or time to gear for specifically pvp”
“Players of wow also play (this game, this game, and this game)”
“Players answered yes when asked [would you like to see more alternative ways to interact with wow]”

Im sure they also answered with things you may also want to see in the game, its just not coming in THIS .6 patch - historically just patches for cutscenes and side quests lol.
I think way to many put to much hype in a roadmap icon. I didn’t even know until today that people were looking FORWARD to 10.2.6 in some hyped anticipation. news to me.

We asked for:
Something brand new for WoW :white_check_mark:
Cosmetic rewards instead of power so the event is optional :white_check_mark:
Secret patch so that we don’t datamine everything ahead of time :white_check_mark:
Yeah, seems based on player feedback to me.


This type of event is not my cup of tea. I am lousy at pvp and I fully admit it. That being said, I sincerely hope the people that do enjoy it have a really great time during the event.

I can’t say I wouldn’t love to have the rewards but I am well aware I wouldn’t last very long in the event anyway so it’s best for me just to skip this and find other things to do.

Best Of Luck to everyone who participates. Hope you have a really great time.


Did you watch the dev interview about the event? They address that.

I just want to know which community.

I have a very hard time believing that the World of Warcraft community at large, or even in any significant scale asked for this.

Was this a Poll of the dev’s kids - IE the staff community?

Was this asked for by the Overwatch community?

I’ve been lurking on these forums for years, and the reddits and various other places and I can’t think of a time I ever read a thread or even saw a suggestion from anyone that this is a desired feature / game mode in World of Warcraft.

I just want to know which community asked for this.

Not going to say it’s bad, not going to say it’s wrong, not going to say anything about it as I’ve not played it, obviously, but it doesn’t seem to be aimed at World of Warcraft players, or it’s community.


He never implied him,
All that he said That holly said this was off of community feedback and he used we as the royal we…

But I guess you do you


It was secret cause they knew there would be backlash prior to release :joy:


I had to check the date.

April 1st is coming up so they might have just gotten confused over the date?


That’s some very high standard! Incredibly hard to meet!

They have said depending on feed back stuff like this could come back in the future .

Heck it could be a way to test for a battle royal game in the warcraft franchise that is separate from wow.

Trust me, I’m curious to know where they gathered these feedback as well.
Like back in 2018-2019, there was actually a high demand for a battle royale mode in WoW-- why didn’t they consider it back then?


If the pirate long coat is one full chest piece like the kultiran heritage quest it technically answers players who wanted a non-heritage locked one back in bfa.

As for everything else, a new pvp/pve hybrid gamemode to grind out extra rewards while we wait for season 4 aint bad; building it up as such a big secret eas the problem.
Should have been more honest we’re making a pirate themed gamemode but keeping the rewards and actual gameplay style a secret to so expactations stayed reeled in.

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The more and more I read about it, the cooler it actually sounds as sort of a ‘pick up and put down’ game.

Which is kind of what WoW needed.


I am telling you it was this one person asking for pirates in gd like two months ago and this is what they did. Maybe I am wrong but meh.

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This is not what I wanted or hoped for at all. I log in because I want to play an MMO with a class that I like the play style of. I don’t log into a MMO to play a battle royale with a non defined game play that’s up ended every time you queue. Major F.


In 5 more years maybe we’ll get a Helldivers type mode.