10.2.6 was based on Community Feedback?

People have been asking for a new pvp game mode forever. Fortnite is an incredibly popular pvp game and has been for a while.

This was a pretty safe move for them

God forbid they try new things :roll_eyes:

I guess we deserve the same 8 dungeons, 1 raid, and 1 BG all the time


Sure - it’s a PvP event.

But it’s a whole new thing, with a whole new set of abilities, less UI-buttons, etc. It’s not exactly ‘your character’ doing the PvP’ing. So is it really “for the PvP’ers” when it’s just a generic template character that loots random spells throughout a match ? That changes every game ?

With 40 levels of Rep.

I’m glad some people can be happy with it, even if it doesn’t interest me. Hopefully, it’s a fun experience for them.


Countless people have asked for a ton of wildly different stuff ranging from small class changes to sweeping meta game adjustments.
You can’t give every single person what they want, and sometimes it’s just really nice to be surprised.

Pretty sure more people been asking for more end game/inbetween xpac content and player/guild housing way more then a fortnite clone that isnt even going to stay around forever.


It is extremely disappointing to have the hype around a ‘secret patch’ that they went to all the effort to hide, and obviously was pirate themed based on their ‘secret pirate flag’ that was there for the get go, to just be an as said no reason to have to be secret about pvp battle royale event.

Well I am glad those that actually want to do pvp have something new to do, for a time anyway since it is limited time.


Agree, except for limited time events…most players don’t want this, it’ll lead to future post asking for these items to return, then other players crying for the exclusivity…etc

Provide evergreen events…I wish this was part of a holiday, so it return every year…all that dev time for limited time event :unamused:


I mean yeah, but without their character? I don’t think anyone asked for that.


They are calling it limited time because of the rewards aspect and general theme. If the game mode is popular they’ll keep it.

Something something Monkey’s Paw something something

In all seriousness, I do wish Blizzard would stop forcing PvP onto PvE players. This would have been a relatively easy to make a PvE version with the same AI Tech they used for Warfronts and Island Expeditions.

By all means, let the PvPers get faster access to rewards, it is a more challenging experience than PvE, for the most part, but this smacks of the Pandaria Legendary Cloak Questline and Holiday ‘events’ that are entirely dependant upon PvP Achievements to get the full Holiday Set completed.

If we don’t want to do PvP, forcing us to do it for our shinies will just make us resent both the Devs and the content. If we don’t want to do PvE, forcing us to do it will just make us resent the Devs and the content.

You already botched the Hearthstone Event to the point people have been going hard at it from launch and still not received any drops, or been shunted into empty phases and locked out of the bosses they’d already dropped or were in the process of fighting and were ‘removed’ from the loot-table as a result. Please tell me you people left this FOMO nonsense in the oven long enough for it to properly cook, right?


And I’m sure there was a point when people were curious about Battle Royale in WoW…
… like back in 2018.

This is +5 years too late.


Bad casual ones?.. yes

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This. It’s also the way it was executed. Like what’s the point of making this patch secretive. Im down for secretive, but for this content, it was unnecessary.

Plus the idea of Battle Royale in WoW was discussed a lot back in 2018-2019, and it would’ve been an interesting implementation back then. Now people are just sick of Battle Royales. 5 years too late Blizz!


So let me get this straight… Seething Shore, one of the most hated bg’s they ever released, which is a battle royale style of bg, and now they claim this battle royale event is based on feedback?

1: They’re way late to the battle royale phase.
2: Their first attempt at it flopped very hard.
3: Where is all of this feedback they say this event is in response to?


We have listened to you guys …lol.lol.


Watching the breakdown video right now and what is this “pick up your abilities off of the ground” stuff?

Who? What? WHEN?! Where?

Think it was secret because they knew it would be received negatively.


Who the frick asked for this!? I’d want more dungeons a mini-raid, more raids for timewalking and being able to lfr queue for them even, maybe the new Mythic+ Season RIGHT NOW!
I can’t believe I’m saying this, cuz I love Pirates, but THIS SUCKS


Only on forums. My enjoyment of anything in life is infinitely higher when I avoid the comments section. On anything. Most people are stupid, so most comments are stupid.

Yet here I am checking the forums every other hour because I enjoy watching stupidity, apparently. Which makes me stupid by extension. :woozy_face:

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Blizzard does Blizzard things.
WoW players: Surprised Pikachu Face.

And they called me pessimistic for saying from the beginning that it would never ever be something like player housing, owning your own ship, that you can customize, more neutral races through a pirate system, and whatnot people full of copium pieced together while forgetting what kind of company they’re dealing with and preferring to listen to content creators and the like who predict all sorts of Hype stuff.