10.2.6 Speculation

My tinfoil-hat theory is retail Hardcore mode

Meh, i’m gonna go with Taliesen and player housing. I can hope anyways.

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That’s literally the one thing that we have official comment saying will not be implemented in the near future.

It’s going to be huge, really huge. A pirate filter for the Selfie camera.


I’m afraid it’s going to go in that direction somehow.
Even though I really hope Blizzard surprises us positively and delivers something truly good. 10.2.6 is currently pretty much the only patch that still holds some hope. If nothing substantial comes out of that… well, then I’m looking at another pretty long break from wow, because 11.0 doesn’t appeal to me at all so far, and I don’t plan on buying the expansion.

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Azeroth explodes and WoW2 is announced.


… right before the rest of the content announced? :laughing:


Hate to burst the bubble you seem happy to live in and all, but Bliz already said they are wanting to open all classes to all races with the exception of Evoker and DH. Sooo, sorry not sorry?


Where did they exclude DH?

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It’s the deadzone time. We’ll just be farming this old stuff for a month or two.

Maybe an event is being added for Pi Day?

The skull and crossbones makes sense when you remember that 3.14% of sailors are πrates.


Oh I know! They are going to return heirlooms back to their former glory, and make them useful again!

Hope they troll us with a third scourge event. /s

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I disagree. Blizzard devs were spoiling that surprises would be coming up at the beginning of the year… I think that’s what they said anyways.


I’m looking at the roadmap and I’m a bit confused on something.

We have 10.2.5 and then 10.2.6. There’s no 10.3 and Season 4 is in-between 10.2.6 and 10.2.7.

So where are they going to test the dungeons for Season 4? I’m going to guess 10.2.6 or there’s going to be a

Such as…? They could have easily just said drakonids have wings now, there was no reason to make a separate race that’s basically just “female coded drakonids except they can’t wear armor and run like they have an epic 2H staff rammed up their cloaca.”

A small pirate-themed patch, maybe.

what? :skull:

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A pirate themed patch is the only thing that makes sense at this point.


X integration confirmed…

Uhhhh they’ve stated what the content is, they didn’t say where the content is hosted.

It’s the perfect plan.