10.2.6 Speculation



Could be the new version of Pirate day. Or about the NE Pirates in Bel’Ameth who helped Genn escape Gilneas

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Most likely a micro-holiday focused around pirates.
Although Talk Like a Pirate Day isn’t until September and that has it around February-March

A pirate transmog of some kind? Idk

Deep within the frigid, howling chasm of my anarchist heart, I hope the pirate flag signals the content is the result of a full-bore “throw out the rulebook, I’m the Captain now” mutiny by the Blizzard devs that brings us every class for every race, instant leveling to cap just for logging in, cross-faction High Elves, 100% Invincible drops, and player housing.

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“Anyone who disagrees with me is a troll!”

Doesn’t rpg mean role playing game…where anything can go…because it’s a roleplaying game, I think if anyone is the troll here, it’s you my friend. Also blizzard is already moving towards the direction for all races to have all classes, if you care about that sort of stuff refer to my previous post :point_down:


I do look forward to all the malding that will happen when I roll up into a raid as a Forsaken Paladin chanting prayers to the Holy Light. I need more salt for my :popcorn:


Someone’s feeling optimistic!

I would actually find it nice, if the Horde got Kul Tiran pirates, sailing to Orgrimmar. After all, they’ve already collaborated with some pirates before. On the flip side, we’d have Vulpera pirates from Kul Tiras docking their ship in the harbor of Stormwind.

And to top it off, shamans for everyone.

In general, I’d prefer all races to be neutral, but I’m afraid WoW might just continue with its copy&paste approach, as evident with the third Dwarf recolor…

In the end, it’s probably just something tiny, like a new transmog set or something. :sweat_smile:


I like the concept of a Paladin burning with the Light within. The people that dislike the concept muddle WoW Paladins with D&D.


I’m leaning towards this. Who was that night elf sailor who went off the western edge of the map? Someone has to discover the Isle of Dorn to lead into the next expansion.


I like the idea of a Forsaken whose faith in the Light is so strong that they can endure the agonizing pain it causes. That they view undeath as a trial they must overcome to prove their devotion. A sort of self-flagellation taken to an incredible extreme.


Are people forgetting the Pirate Expac speculation storm like 2-3 months ago with the Pirate mog released on the shop?

100% something pirate

Also when is blizzard pirate day thing? Isn’t there a pirate 1 day holiday — does this fall in that timeline?

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Probably far-fetched, but I hope it’s Brawler’s Guild.



Corrupted blood returns. This time death is permanent and everyone has to make a new character. And to get to TWW prologue one person per server has to timewalk classic SoD HC to 120. And no AH, no bank and no grouping and cleave is now back to 5 only.

Also, the Maw is set to Torghast layer 16 and Zerith Mortis has extra Raptoras. If you survive that gauntlet and get to DF, you get gold in Reverse Challenge mode with 1 vigor available.

Then you must get on the forums and a new avatar to 15k unique posts and be elected in community council, beta and alpha TWW, and not be an established streamer , but you must stream it.

Only then will we progress. Otherwise, be prepared to make Dragon Isles your permanent home.

Let the games begin

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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It’s clearly pirates.

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my guess it’s stuff like worgen getting optional tails, trolls getting beards, Kul’tiran getting skinny people, Dracthyr getting more visage races. Something small but will be a real surprise

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I want to be able to go back into Chromie time on my max-level characters.

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My guess is it’s gonna be a pretty big thing. I think it could even include new race/class combos for Druid and/or Paladin. I really don’t know though. I don’t think Blizzard has ever hidden stuff from us like this before.

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This was probably the Side Eye thing that the Devs were giving Taliesin.

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I still hope for that as well. I don’t want to play a female human or a male blood elf. I’m not really a fan of the lizard form that can’t wear anything either. Consequently, I have no interest in playing an Evoker. It just looks half-hearted to only provide half of two races for a “dragon” race. :confused:

If the pirate flag is supposed to give any indication, I also hope that they continue the trend, as they did with female humans and dwarves for the Horde, and provide a variant for each race for the opposite faction… even though it would, of course, be easier to make all races neutral.
In the case of the pirate patch, for example, Kul Tiran pirates could be an option for the Horde, with whom they have already collaborated, and Vulpera pirates from Kul Tiras for the Alliance.
And then gradually, in other patches, introduce the remaining races.

Also, I hope for shamans for all races in the pirate patch.

However, I still consider it most likely that it’s something tiny, like a new transmog set or something…

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