10.2.6 Speculation

What’s your guess?

My money is on playable Drakonid.


Also, if you missed it, 10.2.6 is a mystery:


It’s probably something very very small and mostly inconsequentail or they would have actually put it on the road map to attract players.


As the rest of the road map looks rather boring, I hope there’s something good that might still convince me to stay longer, but by now, I’m keeping my expectations as low as possible. We’ll see. :dracthyr_shrug:

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If it was very, very small, why hide it?


It’s a .1 increment, how big could it be?


The skull and crossbones on a black banner would imply something to do with pirates and the high seas… but it could also just be a coincidental choice to keep whatever 10.2.6 is a surprise.

I’m still very much hoping we get confirmation that Paladin, Shaman, or Druid get opened to more races before TWW drops.


Playable Gnome and Vulpera Pirate sub-class confirmed?

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Upright Forsaken option.


Playable Kul Tiran pirates and Kul Tiras Vulpera pirates would make more sense than gnomes :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Now that I think about it, that would actually be a pretty cool idea. Kul Tiran pirates for the Horde, as they’ve already collaborated with the Horde, and Vulpera pirates from Kul Tiras for the Alliance. It would at least bring some diversity to the terribly rigid faction barriers with their races.

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I think something minutely fun will happen. That’s it. Whatever it is or isn’t the gd will be fun to read after! :wink:


I mean they’ve put “NEW BLOOD ELF CUSTOMIZATIONS” on these banners before, when all it was is 3 hair colors.


Maybe the skull and cross references to something that happens drastically to us, as the Alpha for TWW starts right after.

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I honestly have no idea what it could be but if it was a major feature that would attract people they would prob just say it? Maybe I’m wrong I dunno.


My assumption is that it’ll be a high value, low impact addition. Something that can inject some hype, but won’t really add new gameplay.

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Could be new secrets such as another old raid/dungeon. It could be an event where pirates come to the Dragon isles to pillage for booty and plunder. Another take would be that there’s a plot hook to lead into quests to allow folks to take up arms as paladins, or a seperate faction of the Primalists now that they have been defeated could seek forgiveness and give us access to shamans.

Be wild. Just not too wild. Stuff that is valuable enough to hide, but small enough in the grandiose design of the game to be a “.1”-patch. So… you are right in that it most likely can’t be that big, but it could still have a big impact. Otherwise … why put it on the timeline?

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It has to be significant enough that they want to make their own event out of announcing it - something for which a namedrop in a roadmap would be anticlimactic.


Meh, it always ends up in a fill the bar thing and you get basially nothing of value for it. I’ll be shocked if it’s actually something unique.

Everyone guessing pirates

My guess: retail hardcore server


They’re removing all male characters from WoW and women are going to rise up and take over! I knew this was coming ever since they turned a woman into a fruit bowl.

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