10.2.6 Speculation

Eh, I don’t see why “fixing a little overdue scaling” would be worthy of hiding it.


Oh I missed that.

It’s got to be something huge to measure up to the hype we’re all going to create while trying to figure it out.


prepare to be disappointed.


I know how to manage my disappointment. :slight_smile:

How about no. not everyone has to be able to be everything

DF pirate invasion?

Sigh. More race restricted armors.

Would have actually looked forward for them had it not been for the regressive race restrictions. WoW managed 15 years without it and it’s clear the first few heritage armors were suppose to be wearable by everyone by the fact that every race can preview them, but not some of the later ones.

no matter what it is, someone on the forums will be mad about it.


Captain nightsquall was referenced in game in the forbidden reach and it also mentions lands he sailed to that were previously unknown.
Maybe he’s gonna show up and there will be some story line quests that lead into the harbinger quests mentioned for 10.2.7 or he is at least how the players learn about the location of dun’algaz

I’m REALLY huffing the hopium for a mega dungeon. 10.2.6 would be about at the point of season three that season 2 was when Dawn was released.


Well, a skull and crossbones could mean pirates or maybe the undead reskin for Horde and the NE worgen reskin for Alliance. So I guess Horde is getting undead pirate race or LF Forsaken which is not something I want but would take them any day of the week over rock dwarves.

Everyone gets a BIS weapon(main hand+off-hand for those specs that use them) that will carry them into the opening of areas of The War Within.

hits copium pipe

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:point_left: Classic is that way. Retail is moving towards all races to be all classes cough cough lightforged draenei warlocks, tauren rogues, goblin monks, cough cough


Playable Drakonids, that would make me happy!

I don’t know… it’s not Pirate Day, unless it’s Pirate Day II which is like Pirate Day I, but where they actually release the cosmetic eyepatch sitting in the game files.


I’m stumped on this one … the graphics clearly hint at pirates, but pirates haven’t had any part in the story since BFA, randomly throwing them in now would seem out of place. It could also mean character death(s), but I wouldn’t expect that in an epilogue patch. The lack of info actually has me kind of annoyed tbh.

Crossing fingers for Brawler’s Guild.


I hope Red skin for NE. I want my druid of flame (Aka Fire mage) with a red skin XD


Just because you ruined one thing doesnt mean you have to continue down that path.

Also if you cared about the combinations you mentioned you would be against adding more not for it. Low quality troll.

Again, not everyone has to be everythinf they want. This is an rpg not some dress up game where anything goes

Nobody forces you to play specific race-class combinations, but prohibiting others from enjoying their favorite combos is quite low. It’s like saying “I have less fun when others have more fun!”

And honestly, after BFA and Shadowlands… do you really want to still uphold lore as a barrier?^^"