10.2.6 Speculation

Playable Kul Tiran for Horde & playable Kul Tiras Vulpera for Alliance. I would laugh so hard. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

I hope it’s more than that, it’s an actual patch. Ofc it could be X (Twitter) re-integration. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Wouldn’t surprise me, if that’s the case ^^"


Yep, let’s get those artists working on netcode immediately. That’ll fix everything!


Captain nightsquall sails into Amirdrassil (bel’ameth) harbor. Maybe to plunder or maybe to deliver a message?

Id love for there to be a mega dungeon hidden in there but probably not.

Oh maybe it’s the player housing someone mentioned that’s really a customizable ship.


I’m assuming BFA Timewalking…and they will update Island Expeditions or Warfronts they way they had done with Mage Tower.

Skull and Crossbones flag?

It’s definitely Pirates.

Let’s say we go for the literal interpretation. What pirate content would it be?

They are not going to add a new race unannounced in a minor patch right after announcing a different new race, and they aren’t going to make a race playable without giving it support for at least some player armor, which drakonid don’t have because they’re meant to be NPCs with little variation between them.

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Seems plausible.

If pre patch is in summer, I wonder if Cata Classic is spring.


Player housing, except that it’s a houseboat that can dock at any major port.

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I think player housing is the only thing we can safely rule out, given recent developer comments.

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I’m guessing you didn’t come at this from D&D.


Beyonce becomes the Queen of the Alliance :star_struck:

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Yeah I don’t seriously expect it, but a thread like this is incomplete without the suggestion. The fact that Warbands won’t be implemented until the pre-patch would make it technically prohibitive before then, anyway.


Shh, let me huff it:

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Speaking of Queen of the Alliance, BFA had a lot of ships and pirates in it, and players have been asking for those old dungeons and raids to be tuned to soloable. That could be the patch. A little anti-climatic over some big surprise, but welcome nonetheless.

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