10/25/24 Class Tuning

The rate at which you cycle through Serenity and Sanctify as Archon is silky smooth.

To be fair I think Bleak powder was way overtuned and broken and we were doing so much damage with it and it was making BM super broken. Its a fine change. BM was doing fine before the patch and it will be still stronger. I honestly believe BM will still be S tier in pvp but it wont be god broken tier like it was.

Marks will be fine if they undo whatever they stealth nerfed on rapid fire, aimed, and arcane shot.

Bleak Powder nerf is fine honestly, I really dont get why they hit Barbed shot when its already doing less than each of the 5 different Feral Bleeds.

That is a good question but think of this way Barbed shot will still be doing 75% more damage then before the patch just not 100% like it is now and BM was doing fine before patch.

Yea but granted my damage before patch was probably 40-50% less than every other tuned up class in the game. Most matches I was lucky if I could get 30% of the Feral or Frost mages damage. Now Iā€™m maybe 5% behind them if Iā€™m not focus target.

Well Feral is just well Feral and Frost mage at least in shuffle I have a high win rate against them this expac and last one.

no ww buffs is so crazy when it does less dmg then fury war but fury gets buffed loll

Yea Iā€™m just saying though, if any class got a slap on the wrist it was Feral hereā€¦5% damage nerf during Incarn? Thatā€™s absolutely nothing lmfao.

Yeah I agree feral got a gentle pleasurable slap and Bm got like the second but noticeably harder wrist slap but not a bad one imo.

Iā€™d argue that it just reflects the strength of our 4 piece. the spec I made double/triple/quadruple dips all over the place which is why it works so well. symbol is nice for what you mentioned and I often flex it depending on what Iā€™m playing with, but tbh thatā€™s usually feral and feral only needs a skin reset into a few things with how tanky it is right now

I think you would be surprised by how potent lightweaver can be (although itā€™s my least common pick), and also by how flexing for trail of light/say your prayers/epiphany in a variety of contexts can affect your output. you end up edging out roughly 2-3% more hps than when you take divine image, depending on what you selected and if you played it into the right thing of course. I went full mad scientist with this spec, Iā€™m very aware itā€™s odd (the weirdest thing is that leech is 2-3% of my healing each game, but that also double dips with the double beacon embellishment), but I immediately shot from 2k to 2200 when I did and that was 4 weeks ago

also, fwiw, I queued into cdew a few times playing it and he literally looked me up on stream and said he liked the spec a lot and that it definitely seems like the right spec for holy. not saying heā€™s the law on anything, but heā€™s certainly played plenty of hpriest and queues at high mmr very frequently. itā€™s totally unconventional and at least twice as difficult as oracle but it works extremely well if you feel that you can squeeze maximum throughput out of hpriest

I mean yeah I prefer this too, but the meta is entirely too fast, will be again at other points in the future, and wonā€™t ever be changed just to accommodate hpriest

itā€™s cracked, I stream holy sometimes if you wanna see the spec in action, donā€™t think I can post the link here tho

Well and Frost mage had zero tuningā€¦or did they get buffedā€¦I mightve missed it.

Well I think I can visualise the way youā€™re playing the talent, syncing it up with each of the three guaranteed Surge of Light procs on Halo, so Halo, a Holy Word, Flash Heal, Holy Word, Flash Heal, Holy Word, Flash Heal.


*Voidweaver caught 2 bullets.

Spriest got a minor buff to cleave. Archon never did suck, and I know several priests that enjoy the Archon style more than Voidweaver anyway. Juicer Flay Insanity x3 feels awesome to unload.

Warriors getting dam buffs is a bigger ā€œnerfā€ to spriests than any changes made to priest itself.

locked and loaded and coming 4 u


yeah, Iā€™m also typically playing fairly passively (especially when itā€™s time to halo again; getting kicked on it can be pretty brutal), fearing/stunning/mcing dps unless healer is totally free because I get more value out of stopping dam and I risk a long/dangerous cc chain by pushing in, often holding angel a bit longer than is typical, and not spending much time at all doing dam that isnā€™t from halo

the most important thing overall is probably not overusing what instant healing you have. it can be pretty punishing not having big oracle CDs to press if you arenā€™t super careful, which is the biggest reason the spec is so much harder to play outside of resonant words management

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Plz no touch mr warrior man I gib u PI & me voidswap u dont forget and punching bags me

Naw, in all seriousness I donā€™t mind warrs (ARMS) getting buffs at all (except fury that spec is justā€¦ Fisher Price).

I dont remember anything to mages that were significant that I recall anyway.

should hopefully make a difference but who knows. mages and evokers not getting nerfed a lot makes me wonder

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I call it making it an overall encompassing statement after reviewing the material at hand. Void Leech is a dead talent after the nerf (in pvp). 10% damage decrease on burst.

Everyone who played Sp will reroll back to their melee and play x/war/x. feral/mage/x. rogue/mage/x
Iā€™ve told numerous people never play sp if its remotely strong on broadcast unless you want it gutted before the finals.

Strangeā€¦ its like Iā€™ve seen this scenario play out before.