10/25/24 Class Tuning

not even a competition, it’s just considerably more difficult. I love that it’s a mana god too

I already play both trees though, 4m crits on Flash Heal only happen if you’re facing a comp without a mortal strike effect or get lucky with multiple stacked buffs.

These are actually huge, Bleak Powder hits for 600k, it will now hit for 0 since it doesn’t effect the primary target anymore haha.

For an example here is a damage breakdown of one of my Arena rounds. Bleak Powder accounted for 5.3% of overall damage. It will now be only hitting targets around the Primary target and nerfed by 30% as well. So it won’t have any kill potential anymore.

then why do you think we need a flash heal buff? you also didn’t address anything else lol

I’m not trying to be combative, I’d just like to understand why you think that’s the solution. I’m willing to see other perspectives

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Because if you go a dry streak of no Surge procs outside of Halo windows/Apotheosis Flash Heal is on the low side of things. Being subject to RNG as a healer is about the most despised thing out there.

Fair point.

this has never stopped Holy from being meta in the past, we’re just weirdly tuned atm to where some things do almost nothing while some other things absolutely crank. If Renew goes back to being a legitimate top 6 heal like it was in Dragonflight then it’ll feel a lot better.

The mana for Archon is legit one of my absolute favourite things about playing that tree right now :smiley:

from the depths the clone spammers rise again


Because they have to keep buffing slam. I mean jeez im surprised it took this long to happen.

tsg time tsg time

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are you experiencing this regularly? I don’t feel that this happens to me very often at all as archon. but yeah:

I don’t think damage has ever been so consistently spiky across almost all dps as it is now though, not even some of the crazy SL/DF metas. also, in SL, we had NF wall and when we played venthyr we were playing with 2 immortal specs (fire/sub) most of the time. in DF, it wasn’t as spiky as evidenced by lightwell being a spec saver. now it’s not even worth running into half the comps in the game

what do you feel doesn’t do anything? I maintain 900k-1.2mil hps a game pretty much every game (in real 3s, much lower in shuff due to dampening ramp)

I would like this change because it provides some protection during CC, but I also think it fails to solve this current problem that hpriest often has unless they make it rdruid tier, which doesn’t really match hpriest’s playstyle/design historically

for me it’s how fluent the spec is + getting to play resonant words again. holy without resonant words is so much simpler but also less satisfying to play, and the talent also rewards mindful play. but yeah it’s nice not going oom immediately like oracle does

I am surprised they wrist slapped BM. Barbed shot buffed Tuesday by 100% only to be nerfed by 25%. Black arrow is not nerfed for BM but it is for MM lol ok. Bleak powder is a good change needed to happen. BM will still be strong but MM is feeling nerfed and will feel more nerfed Tuesday. I was honestly expecting more BM Hunter nerfs from blizzard.

“There’s no way FrostDK being top dog in m+ needs any buffs in pvp right?”

So Bm nerfs aren’t bad then? I was confused reading

Bleak powder only happens in call of the wild BM has high sustain out of it. That would be the biggest change. BM was decent before the barbed shot buff on Tuesday. Tuesday it was buffed by 100% only to be nerfed by 25%. I really was expecting them to nerf it more than they did. No one plays pack leader in pvp so those dont matter.

The Bleakpowder nerf isn’t a slap on the wrist. Look at my post, I posted a screenshot of how much Bleakpowder actually does to the Primary target…which they removed 100% of the damage to the primary target and nerfed the damage to all other targets by 30%.

Also 25% damage nerf to 11 mil is pretty significant on the Barbed shot damage.

I’m glad they didn’t go off and buff Riptide or Chain Heal lol.

Its a nerf to their burst not their sustain. I am doing strong damage outside of burst and killing in shuffle before second call of the wild. They buffed stomp by 50% which actually seems small but most of stomp damage is in Call of the wild anyway. I already expected them to hit Bleak powder. Black arrow for BM was not hit and thats BM biggest damage for me always at the top. I will literally still be strong on Tuesday playing BM and if I am wrong Ill play Surv but I believe I am not wrong.

Still got 3 days to think of something else to nerf.

Sp gutted after 2 weeks, we already knew the drill.

It will still be strong, but it won’t be over the top I feel like. Barbed shot nerf in general is pretty big with 25% damage reduction on it. That’s my number 2 damaging ability and it does just as much as Black Arrow overall.

I actually checked my damage on the Kill Target and Barbed Shot does 18% total of overall damage and Black Arrow is sitting at 8.7%.

The fact that you’re needing to pick up Resonant Words at the cost of your second capstone and Symbol of Hope (which Symbol is in turn a roundabout way of Holy providing damage reduction for all classes not named Rogue since it gets major defensive cooldowns back sooner) is a sign that Flash Heal is undertuned in general atm.

Lightwell is also undertuned but not by a crazy amount but it’s still strong enough to where it feels like a mandatory pick, same commentary for Divine Image. A solid buff to Renew makes Lightwell impactful to the same degree as it was in Dragonflight.

As for damage reduction, I prefer it when Holy’s strengths lie in its CC and having some of the best HPS in the game instead of making us more like Disc (the main reason I do not enjoy playing Oracle).

I’m down to have my mind changed of course, I should give Resonant Words another try.