10.2 Night Elf Thread

I can’t take Nelves seriously anymore and quite frankly I find Blizzard’s attempts to entice me into it offensive.

Bit confused why you are posting from a night elf account then. Also confused why you feel a compulsion to be the one that derails an otherwise surprisingly positive thread.


Your character looks great now!


Night elves are getting great modifications, however the Heritage gear is nothing short of a cheap h00ker running up and down Las Vegas strip. Not a fan of the mog options. Although I would love it if they updated the bodies so that the males dont look anorexic and all the gear looks good on them. I know the newer mogs are looking good but the old ones still need some work. What I am excited about though is the new WORLD TREE!!! I cant wait to see it! I bet it will be part of the next Xpac reveal!

Talking about NE Heritage set, why do we still look like we’re naked in the armory?

Because the Kaldorei set doesn’t show up in Armory yet. If you hover over the pieces you will see it’s says its mog’d Kaldorei. But I mean your toon is naked too XD. But if you look at most of the NE’s on here all thier toons are naked on Armory as well for now. Except those who didn’t mog their toons with the Kaldorei gear.

Nudity is clearly the true heritage mog. We dont need no stink’n clothes like those gross humans.


On another note. It would be amazing if they updated Garrisons with NE buildings.


This is just a forum avatar I use. I hate Night elves.

Because there needs to be a lil’ bit of negativity. The more Blizzard tries to get me to like Night elves with petty things like this without fixing any of the underlying issues, it actually just makes me more mad they don’t get the assignment.

A tabard and a recolor of the heritage armor aren’t getting me hype about Nelves. I’d rather they actually just stop making Night elf content. It’s exhausting.


From a psychological perspective, being driven out of your ancestral homelands for fear of attack feels bad. Also has bad real-world implications.


Honestly I’m just going to say that it’s best to sweep it under the rug. The accountability of the Dev-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named created something that is far, far beyond anything actually done anywhere in World of Warcraft to the point that it is both an anomalous and even made Metzen go “???”, Metzen who’s a lover of all things metal.

It wasn’t just Teldrassil, it was also Ashenvale and Darkshore. The former is nebulous if the Night Elves even returned, the latter is so fundamentally destroyed that in canon the Grove of the Ancients is the only thing habitable. The Night Elves, as they exist currently, may only hold Feralas, Upper reaches of Stonetalon, Felwood, Winterspring, Hyjal & Moon Glade.

I think it’s bad real-world implications, too. I think Devs also know this, but they’re trying to move away from it without upsetting everyone, and to do that, well, they’re avoiding any lens and focusing on the future intentionally.

I believe the consequences of the War of Thorns is an issue they are going to have to unwind slowly. They do not want to treat it lightly. I think it speaks volumes they are willing to make a major thrust of this entire expansion taking the first step to doing that by giving us back a starter zone sized region—Which is about the size the Amirdrassil island looks like it’ll be.

The new area will be a place for displaced refugees to move to, far away from any possible horde hostilities. It by no means indicates every night elf on Azeroth is going to abandon their home village and go there.

Canonically Astranaar was retaken and fortified, and the Kaldorei have a strong enough presence is Ashenvale that Rexxar and Zekhan had to sneak their way through the region to avoid the Sentinels noticing them. Darkshore though… yeah, it is a wreck. Even the birds have left due to how many ghosts from the war are still wailing.


No…they’ve become the Tree itself.

To be fair, ghosts aren’t a new thing on Darkshore. The Highborne just won’t stop caterwauling.


Darkshore is one of those zones where it just seems like it’s cursed. Bad things keep happening there. Even Cata hit Darkshore like Deathwing had a personal grudge against the color grey.

Honestly, negativity is not really the right word for it, however I see it as constructive criticism which needs to be taken into account. I agree 100% with you that they need a overhaul.

I looked on the Wowhead database, but I can’t find Lyalia from MoP in this patch. How sad.

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Decided to go around Amirdrassil and see what’s up-

Many of the growing branches are somewhat ethereal, and not fully in the real plane. I wonder what this implies for the tree, having one “root” in life and the other in death…

A friend (or rival) of Q’onzu seems to be patrolling the tree:
has the name Nah’qi, “Herald of Change”… and has a fiery solar glow unlike the moon-themed Q’onzu

What appear to be many wisps are at the base of the tree. These could just be glow effects as we saw in Ardenweald, or could be actual night elf spirits reborn into the Dream.

Aviana and Aessina are both watching over the tree’s growth at the base:
Aviana is the watcher of G’hanir so it is unclear what relation she may have to this new tree.

P.S. Hmm, I still can’t post links. Pity.







I gotchu elf fam member.


Just put tick marks (`) around the links. It’s what I do. They’re still clickable too.