10.2 Night Elf Thread

You do understand that races aren’t a monolith right? That every race is going to have its outliers right? Much like IRL


Blizzard, don’t do this. You cannot make everyone like eachother, and it’s fine to keep conflict and animosities. This is world of Warcraft, not Lovecraft.

They still are keeping conflict and animosities, these people would be the exception and not the norm.


Not in this setting, and not after recent circumstances. We’re after total war. And we’re talking about two ancient races that were raised in specific way.

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They were raised in a specific way, but that doesn’t mean they’ll have to follow their society’s norms and customs.


Clearly it’s happening in this setting and after recent circumstances. Nobody is telling you to like it or anything, but these sort of takes are exactly why WoWs writing rarely ever improves

Nothing wrong with two people from polar opposite races and or cultures just happen to fall in love. It’s a thing that happens all the time IRL afterall.


Elf-troll romance is not going to be super common or widely accepted by either societies, and frankly it shouldn’t be in my honest opinion considering how bloody relations between elves and trolls have been overall.

Stories about unlikely partners finding each other despite what their societies say are pretty cool.


That’s bad writing and it changed since bfA for the Zandalari.

Not since Warcraft 3. And them being xenophobic was a character flaw they overcame.

Edit: Also, entire races were never xenophobic or racist.


I think the troll kaldorei couple is fine, so long as it is also noted this is sort of… weird. Exceptions to the norm are only narratively interesting when they are highlighted against the norm and the norm is Trolls and Elves have a lot of ancient bad blood between them. The Zandalari as a people never forgot or forgive Azashara’s Kaldorei empire humiliating them back before the sundering.

I have never got why this is an issue. They are effectively getting their own little chunk of the emerald dream on azeroth as an island base of operations. Thanks to our friend the portal it isnt like distance is a huge issue and the Kaldorei are shown to still be active in Kalimdor with the heritage quest.


Yeah, while I wouldn’t be surprised if there were still some xenophobic night elves the majority of their society did become more open and less xenophobic, and besides those xenophobic night elves aren’t going to be the ones falling in love with trolls and what not to begin with.


I think the troll kaldorei couple is fine, so long as it is also noted this is sort of… weird. Exceptions to the norm are only narratively interesting when they are highlighted against the norm and the norm is Trolls and Elves have a lot of ancient bad blood between them. The Zandalari as a people never forgot or forgive Azashara’s Kaldorei empire humiliating them back before the sundering.


And I don’t. We’re talking about at least one race that can keep grudge for centuries. And Nelves were present during Attault on Dazar’Alor and killed their king, who was like Pope to them.
That’s just unrealistic. We’re not talking about situation when two races never encountered each other. We’re talking about most recent events that should’ve put a massive imprint on either Alliance and Horde.

And this is my issue with DF - everyone is acting as if nothing happened. They’re acting more friendly and open to each other than they were in WotLK (so before 2 wars). Alliance and Horde didn’t like each other but they were tolerating each other.
The wounds are still fresh, and if I was nelf player I wouldn’t want for Horde to be near new world tree even if they’re also druids. Teldrassil was one massive traumatic experience to nelves.
And I already elaborated on Zandas, they are racial supremacist, and they were depicted like that since Shadows of the Horde. So it’s not ancient history and such societies don’t change overnight.

Distrust should be a natural thing in current circumstances.

One interesting part, is undead players are actually looked down upon by the npcs there, not because they are forsaken

I am pretty sure these two are our ticket into shamanism. They were very young (post WC3) druids but when Teldrassil burnt their connection to nature was severed and they began to hear the elements instead.

That their connection was severed is fascinating as it could be that trauma of loosing their family closed them off… or the younger generation of druids were being taught to draw power from Teldrassil and once it got burnt their connection to nature was lost also.


THAT is an unexpected twist! Even if it’s not intended for the purpose of opening up Shamanism to Night Elves, I still find that a very interesting concept for Druids of the Flame and why they have popped up again after the Firelands. There was also a suspiciously high amount of NE Primalists, so I wondered if it was a coincidence or if they’d touch on it in any capacity.


I main a Shaman and NE is my favorite Alliance race but I was always hesitant to be on board with that combo if they ever introduced it, curious to see where it goes!


They depict the Druids of the flame as a full on malicious cult that opportunistically preyed on the desperate after the War of Thorns gutted kaldorei culture.

part of what he has to say on it:

It is actually pretty fascinating as this is the sorta stuff that happens during major cultural disruptions. Malign actors take advantage of desperation to achieve their own aims.


A patch back, silver eyes are now the blind eye option and all races now have this option.

Shadowlands. Before that, all male Night Elf toons had golden eyes, and all female Night Elf toons had silver eyes.

In fact, I think Shadowlands was the first time most races even got the ability to change eye colors. That’s crazy to me.

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Since Shadowlands night Elves all have Amber/gold eyes, Blue eyes, and Silver eyes to pick from. And the night warrior ones, but those have looked messed up to me for a bit, hope they fix them.


I can’t help but cringe. Just like the Terror of Darkshore it’s a pathetic attempt to make Nelves seem cool. It has no substance behind it.

“Fury of the Kaldorei” yeah, sure would’ve been helpful to have that when getting a new hole stomped into them all those previous times.