you aren’t good enough to even to be worried about using that spell for that purpose my guy. You need to work on FUNDAMENTALS. You don’t even realize how bad you are do you?
if you’re going to grandstand as a good player and try to bully other people, expect to get your logs combed through and exposed. You garbonzo noob
Sure thing
I see you are fundamentally bad at reading
If a spec requires a ton of rotational abilities to be good and can only be played effectively by a highly skilled player, then it is in fact bloated and badly designed. This has been the main issue with Enhancement shaman IMO. The best builds have a ridiculous amount of abilities that have to be used in a pretty punishing priority list and if you can’t do that, it’s a lot less effective. Several of these abilities could be rolled up/combined to reduce the bloat and/or skill ceiling of the spec
I have never claimed to be good or bullied people
Go for it, every post you makes proves you’re nothing but a hypocrite.
You are the one raging and throwing insults not me
You are the one hiding behind a low level toon
Practice what you preach
This you insulting someone? Or are we just seeing things? You’re either dead or doing tank dps in every mythic kill you have. You’re this personified “Not everyone is terrible and needs a braindead rotation”
Youre making a stretch now that you were shown to be a hypocrite.
Its ok though I dont get upset over the forums. In fact you being so mad is making me laugh.
the only thing that was shown, is how donkey you are at the game. On a class literally crushing right now. Improve, or stfuu and stop acting like an elitist. You’re so pathetic, tryin to bully other people when you yourself are dogshyt
Sure thing man, whatever makes you feel better for the personal insults and hypocrisy of hiding on an alt.
Hope you fix whatever demons you have
You tried to bully someone, I looked you up saw how bad you are and called you out. Calling you a fkin clown who sucks is a fact, cope noob.
That is a blatent lie, there are still more healers without bres than with. MW monk, Disc priest, Holy priest, and Resto shamans all do not have a bres. Ancestral totem for resto shaman is close, but not a genuine bres (It acts more like the blood dk and veng dk and prot pally anti death talents)
Homgonization isnt a bad thing in all cases. Are you mad they allowed almost everyone to have an interrupt now? Certain utilities are deemed mandatory in groups, and should be be available to all. What shouldnt be the same is the playstyle of these specs. You seem ok with the cookie cutter builder/spender playstyle which is seen in
Pres Evoker
Destr Evoker
Aug Evoker
Feral Druid
Balance Druid
Assassination Rogue
Subtely Rogue
Outlaw Rogue
Arcane Mage
Destro Warlock
Affliction Warlock
Demonology Warlock
Holy Paladin
Prot Paladin
Ret Paladin
Fury Warrior
Prot Warrior
Arms Warrior
Might be missing some, but you see the picture? These classes all have the builder/spender playstyle which is a better example by far in comparison to bres.
Thats not bullying someone. If you honestly think it is you are pretty soft.
Yet you didnt actually accomplish anything. Every point you made was either a flat out lie or was before I did what I said and self improved.
Nothing to cope about. People who are hypocrites and actively bully people while also hiding is flat out hilarious.
So I’m not against small things like this persay, what I’m against is the idea that specs are massively bloated. You want condense a couple of spells? Sure, sounds good. But if you want to argue every spec is a bloated mess, I’d say otherwise. Some specs are meant to be more complex (and thus have a higher skill ceiling) than others by design. Generally speaking the only people that should worried about hitting that skill ceiling are people doing the hardest content. Casual Steve doing WQs and maybe normal raid shouldn’t concern himself about doing 3% more damage if he could of more optimally clipped a dot or whatever, because that’s way above the level of content he does.
That is a fair point if you look at the way people play this game in a vacuum. But the truth is, most people are going to go to a site like wowhead or icyveins and use the spec this is “optimal.” Then they play, underperform and come away with a bad taste in their mouth. Some might then do a little more research and see what changes they can make to make the spec a bit easier, but many wont, and even those that do may still feel bad that they’re playing a “sub-optimal” build.
This also doesn’t account for specs where the additional buttons don’t necessary make the class a lot harder/more skillful, but do make the playstyle more annoying. Siphon life for affliction is a good example at the moment.
No it doesn’t. At least not entirely if you’ve been practicing.
It just comes down to basically how well you practice and these things will come natural to you. It’s like learning with a controller. A big ole Accurate controller. And i’ve been gaming since i was 3 on a keyboard and mouse.
It may seem complex, but once you actually deep dive into it, things will suddenly click into place and it would be a lot more simpler as time goes on.
I mean, this is World of Warcraft. You don’t have to do this werid GCd weaving dance of dealing the slow GCD and a bunch of off-GCD abilities. It’s nothing as THAT complex.
And if you don’t want to go with that route, there’s tons of passives that help you, there’s addons that will also help you, there’s guides, etc etc. I don’t see why choice needs to be stripped away from people when there’s so many solutions to your problem here.
Personally for me, a class feels wholly incomplete if there’s not that many abilites. Arcane Mage is the worst offender in this case. I always get honestly bored playing that class, despite it being powerful. But that’s my two cents.
I wasn’t. I’m simply stating a fact that “Consistent damage is always going to be better then Inconsistant damage” . What are you on about?
Except it objectively is. You trying to use your subjective opinion as a fact here isn’t convincing when it’s objectively optional. Infact, following the meta is objectively optional.
There’s more then just one way to maximize DPS, especially sometimes, the dps comes from timing, memorization and just plain luck, rather then talents.
This is all not even mentioning the fact that some people just specialize in a particular playstyle and play it really well, even if it goes against the meta. I think at that point, the problem falls on the people expecting others to adapt to the meta or try to “Maximize DPS” in the way you want them to do without any of their input on that. (which how’s that different from the meta exactly if you want people to take the same exact talents you demend of them?)
It really wouldn’t change my points either way if you do or don’t. You can maximize your DPS without following the meta, or even without certain talents like RTB.
Plus, you’re talking about maximizing DPS when, you do realize that’s tertiary? DPS has it’s both it’s highs and lows, and were in a fight for 3 minutes most of the times. I’m looking at the average here. I’m looking at what can we do to have more consistent damage, because 40k (for example) DPS all the way on both fronts is better then the DPS yo-yo-ing between 50K and 30k.
It’s better to be consistent with your damage here. I don’t think even you would disagree that.
…Or they could just make a WoW-themed MOBA and all these “iTs tOo BlOaTeD!” people can go play that instead.
3 - 4 button rotations are fine for Diablo or League of Legends or Heroes of the Storm, but not an MMORPG like WoW.
If a teenager looks up an optimal driving techniques video from a professional driver, then tries those techniques themself and crash, that’s their fault for having unreasonable expectations.
The spec guides will point out an optimal build but they also emphasize that the build is only as good as your skill level and that it would be better to take easier talents depending on skill level. Someone who expects to pick up a build and be a god in an hour has issues that aren’t related to the class they are playing.
You are not doing any content where your DPS really matters, so a simplified spec will obviously work.
But getting the most out of Outlaw requires a lot more than what you specced into.
They dumbed the game down so much that people deleted all the addons they had that made the game easier, because it was already too easy?
I doubt…
Tell me you dont understand what addons do without telling me you dont understand what addons do.