10.2 is dealing with bloat

Its not the only reason people quit but its the majority, hence why Blizz gave abilities back.

It’s not a reason they quit at all. No one left because “man. I wish I could push 30 buttons”. A few said “hey. Maybe don’t purge as much” but no one quit because of it.

If you want to be out of touch then by all means.

But yes people got bored pushing 3 buttons. Not everyone is terrible and needs a braindead rotation

you have literally parses that say 0 your best parse is a 23. you have 3 20s timed in a season where mage is basically given title. You’re the definition of bad. Imagine pretending you’re good, no wonder your profile is hidden

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Opposite, I like to focus on what is going on in the game, if I don’t have to think about my rotation at all and everything can be optimized as a second nature without the use of weakauras or any other addon, I call this a win. It’s not button bloat per se, I would say what I don’t like is cooldown bloat (unholy dk, hpal), maintenance spells which could just be passive and permanent (slice and dice for rogues), buffs which need cancelauras to optimize because they don’t refresh duration (starlord for balance druids), and generally things that require specific timing of abnormal uses of spells (sun king’s blessing).

then you should not have tried to call me out. RtB is not optional for anything past LFR. The RnG of RtB really isnt that much of a DPS difference, but not using it will tank your DPS in a raid.

You are not a meta junkie, i respect that.

But to contribute to your raid line you need to maximize DPS. Rogues dont bring much else.( I dont prog raid anymore, just AotC and PvP. this season im so bored im actually playing an alt.)
To maximize DPS as Outlaw its 14 keys (with minor variation) Should i list them?

I mean, I played all through from vanilla till mid draenor. People quit because the expac was garbage. The quests weren’t fun, the designs while visually stunning, were entirely lazy. It was “Dailies, the expansion.” PvP was fun because of the low button use. It was actually skill based instead of muscle memory or luck.

Fire literally is 4 buttons and you’re failing at it in a way that’s kinda impressive.

You mean from a single clear where I was making rotational mistakes? Pretty sure if we did a reclear instead of progging on Echo I would have better parses.

I dont push mythic plus. Mythic plus is done for a weekly vault and thats it. Outside of that I dont care to push.

Thats why my heroic parses are terrible.

Never claimed to be good.

The irony considering youre also hiding

what rotational mistakes is there for a fire mage to make in a raid setting? you have FOUR damage buttons. your heroic parses ARE bad. Good Mythic raiders will always have orange/pink heroic parses

Muscle memory is the epitomy of skill rofl

Sure thing. I clearly made you mad somewhere.

PS while fire may “only” be 4 buttons at a basic level (its actually more but you clearly arent smart enough to realize that) the skill is actually maximizing your SKB and combust windows.

PSS I realized I wasnt playing it very well as I usually main arcane and spend a couple hours figuring out the rotation and maximizing my damage

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most bloated classes in my perspective is Unholy Dk, Mage all 3 specs besides maybe Fire. Hunters and Druids.

it’s not more than 4. Your rotation is 4 buttons. Pressing a cd or a defensive is not rotational. You’re bad at the game period. I take issue with people like you who are clearly bad at the game dogpiling on someone else. if you wanna talk like a gamer at least be one yourself

Casting fireball too much
Not Scorch Weaving
Not using DB
Using combustion on pull

My heroic parses are in pugs my guy.

Good thing I have never once claimed to be a good mythic raider.

Done raging yet?

If you think muscle memory is skill, instead of on your feet thinking that explains a lot. I’m done wasting my time with you.

You dont need to worry about Scorch weaving little homie. Your opener isn’t even done properly. Holy crap deep diving into your logs is a nightmare. You should leave that guild so you aren’t holding them back anymore.

Phoenix Flames
Dragons Breath

Thats 6 buttons my guy.

Never said it was

Never claimed I wasnt bad.

I am sorry youre a hypocrite while hiding on an alt :stuck_out_tongue:

bro is listing dragons breathe as a rotational ability LOL. if you’re good enough to utilize dragons breathe always critting then maybe. But you’re not. You’re an average to bad heroic raider being carried in your guild.

Guilds need bodies really bad these days ig

Sure thing

Please tell me how my opener isnt a proper opener?

Imagine still proving to be a hypocrite.

I must have really made you mad

When it gives you a heating up proc yes its part of the rotation