10.2 is dealing with bloat

Season 3 is dealing with class ability bloat and I was hoping they would do something to bloat to certain classes and specs.


Oof. The most boring my rotations have ever been was WoD after they “pruned button bloat” and I’ve been afraid of the game going back to that ever since.


If a spec has more than 5 rotational buttons I think its too bloated.

I can only master 1-6 keybinds for rotation (5 and 6 sometimes get fat fingered interchangeably), then situationally I can manage another Shift+1-5 (movements, stuns and AM/cds if tanking), a dedicated interupt ` and then press x for my only cooldown (on DH).

Everything else is a click and is annoying / too much.


Every class has too much bloat. They have to shave off 80% of every classes’ abilites to save the game at this point


That’s a skill issue, not that the classes are bloated.

Gotta be a troll post, pruning is never the answer.


80% is too much but pruning some abilities sounds fantastic for a lot of specs.


Uhhh what bloat?


The last time they aggressively pruned, the playerbase complained heavily for 2 expansions. They won’t do anything on that scale again.


Plus with the new talent trees, most specs can remove a lot of abilities in favor of passives. Just might not be optimal.

I didn’t say aggressively.

Laughs in Hunter.

Classes are bloated is an opinion not a statement of fact, I agree with you.

Absolutely it is a [my] skill issue problem but that was the point I was trying to make. I consider myself well above the average skill level and that is my limit. Just what kind of player is the game being designed with in mind?

The player base has complained a lot more for a lot less that has both been actioned and gonna unactioned issue by issue… I don’t think blizzard design around player feedback (since its often opposed by different players), they cherry pick the bits that mesh with what they want to do… even with universal player feedback like covenant restrictions it took them all xpac and losing most players before they reversed it.

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Idk typical holy priest spell quantity has been for years comically too much

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Outlaw has a 14 key-bind damage profile. this isnt including any utility key-binds. 10.2 doesnt look like its changing any of that. This spec consumes your keyboard.
It’s just so dumb.


What really bothers me is having multiple identical buttons that do the same thing with a slight twist/gimmick on the one class. E.G Dispel vs purge vs poison cleanse vs remove corruption vs soothe vs … they all just remove a buff/debuff.

Or any instance where you have two generators with a fixed priority that will never change. i.e you always want to use ability A, before B… A has a longer cooldown and generates more resource/does more damage but is otherwise identical to B… just combined the two and bake in the extra effect of A every 2nd or 3rd cast. They dont need to be two separate buttons e.g Thrash and swipe.


Instead of designing specs to make sense, have a theme, and play and flow well, they just crammed all the covenant abilities in regardless of any of the former.

Which begs the question, what happens next? Are they going to add more to the talent tree? They already turned it up to 11.

I suspect talent trees are not a change, just the expansion specific system ( borrowed power ) for dragon flight and we’ll get something new next expansion when the “borrowed power bad” sentiment calms down.

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I could use a lot more buttons, actually. If you don’t want them, I will take them.

Blizz has a history of doing surgery with a chainsaw instead of a scalpel. I wouldn’t put it past them to go way too far like they always do.

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Then get better at the game.

So self improve