10.2 is dealing with bloat

Having more buttons doesn’t make classes not homogenized.

I think the fact most specs still do builders/spenders is the form of homogenization.

Why do I have combo points on warlock, Paladin, rogue, mage (sort of), feral Druid and death knight for example

And frankly the more demand for balance will further homogenize the classes…

Every healer has a battle res now… that’s homogenization

I love the elemental lightning build with ice fury. It’s fun weaving all the synergies together. I wish it was tuned a little higher for the effort, but it’s a fun dps spec.

Yeah and every guide says to take like all the active talents, and it’s like, are you kidding? Side note, I miss the chakra system.

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I think the tier sets look strong, but they also look kinda boring. Almost all of them look like this:

Using ability A will trigger effect 1 and empower ability B. Using ability B while effect 1 are active will trigger Ability 3 to deal effect 2.

If you are not using RtB you are doing it wrong. Its a big part of the spec, which is why its becoming baseline. I played Outlaw from legion till S1 of DF. I might just be an AoTC Andy but you clearly dont know what you are talking about.

Did you mean that as an example of what homogenization would be? Cuz Evokers, Priests, Shaman, and Monks do not have a battle Rez. It’s only Paladins and Druids.

Ever played classic? Lol

Just wanted to add to the chorus that there is no bloat, and Blizz please don’t gut the flavour and complexity of classes. Thanks.


exactly what i was referencing

you literally do. It’s free damage and resource generation


Pulling off your rotation shouldn’t be harder than the fights themselves…. Sorry…

If your using weak auras or something else to help you track things… your proving my point

Yet the majority of the playerbase didnt and quit because of it

I am all for having some easy specs to play but on the condition they arent going to be doing the same damage as the harder to play specs.

I wouldnt waste my time with him, he has zero clue what hes talking about and when you prove him wrong he will deflect and end up resorting to personal insults.

They arent. If you struggle with rotations its either a need to find an easier class or go spend some time on a target dummy

havoc is also the highest apm class with the most punishing playstyle if not done properly.

…Are you looking down at your keyboard if there’s more complex rotations? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

… I don’t see how this takes away from seeing things?

As for “i need to do high damage numbers”… well you can’t do them if you’re HP is at 0, and you still need to move every now and then.

It just sounds like to me you don’t like the retail’s design for dungeons/raids. I don’t think people would want the bosses to just be glorifed training dummies.

…Good luck with finding such a game, it hasn’t happened in like 2 decades.

Consistent damage is always going to be better then Inconsistant damage. I’m playing a rogue, not a slot machine.

And if i have my way, that talent would just be straight up reworked to take out any sort of RNG element from it and make it into 6 different finishers ala slice and Dice that you can talent into. And bring back Recuperate. And Pre Legion’s Bandit’s guise.

And before i go on, i’m not doing any high level dungeons or raids or etc, i’m doing world content, low level dungeons, and once in a blue moon, LFR or low level mythic+ if i feel like torturing myself. I’ve been playing Combat since Cata, and i wasn’t a fan of the change to Outlaw back in Legion.

I still think it’s a terrible ability either way because it relies heavily on RNG. As i’ve said.

And i’ve done absolutely fine without it. Nobody seem to complain about me not having it in game, let alone here other then you.

I’m sorry i didn’t follow the meta like you want me to, but i want to have some semblance of fun, and some of the specs don’t even have consistent damage as baseline. Or at all in some instances. Side eyes Windwalker

You may not be looking at your keys but you are focusing a lot of what comes next in your rotation and/or watching cooldowns. It distracts you from what’s happening during the encounter.

I had a similar trouble at the beginning of the expansion because i had swtiched to devoker. Was awkward at first because i was trying to parse well but i didn’t have the muscle memory for it like i did with DH, and i was struggling to watch the encounter and the mechanics. It took a couple months for me to get that back.

There are a lot of passives in the talent trees right now, you can take them if you want.

That’s not why they quit. At all. If it helps you sleep at night tho. More power to ya

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The issue isn’t too many buttons. The issue is that Blizzard is bad at designing buttons.

We have too many buttons per class that do very similar jobs. It’s bad design.