10.2 is dealing with bloat

For the people who dislike the amount of abilities or buttons in wow on any of the specs in game, perhaps MMORPG’s aren’t for you? Moba’s may be more up to speed. You get 2-4 abilities / buttons and thats it. If thats even to much, perhaps video games in general may be to much?


Here’s the thing. It’s only an issue in wow because certain people are in the mindset “if I press more buttons, that means I’m doing more” it promotes lazy game designs, lazy mechanics, and toxicity.

Yes because doing less is the hallmark quality of not being lazy.


How else can I get out of my lazy routine unless I get more passive abilities.


I’m hoping Blizzard learned the first time that the prune was a massive mistake and won’t do that again.


I heavily dislike simple rotations within 1-4 buttons. Just pushing 1-2-3-4 on repeat and dodge mechanics seems like a horrible time. I mean at its peak of pruning, frost mage literally just spammed frost bolt on repeat. Could you imagine the entire game experience as a frost mage in single target is to only spam one spell for top dps? There’s no magic or skill in it. Fury warrior’s have 3, Demon hunters have 3-5, MM hunter has 4 like there is a lot of specs in this game that are pretty easy to use in single target rotation (cd’s not included) People asking for a prune to remove what six at most for the most advanced spec down to like 2-3 while we have specs like that already?

We gonna prune fury warriors from 3 to 1? Just give em vanilla heroic strike? Where does it end?

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I hope they look at shaman, every time i play either of its dps specs i’m just like “who thought this was a good idea?”

Except it’s not. You can have a difficult and nuanced rotation with 5-6 buttons, or a button mash fest with 12 rotational buttons.

I prefer the few, because 12 buttons is hard to comfortably reach.

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disc is a rework and a half from having a DH’s rotation with the upcoming changes

you’re a demon hunter, you spam like a 4 button rotation on single target. Demons bite x3-4 then eye beam, then blade dance, then chaos strike, then repeat with demon bite 4 times, then chaos strike, blade dance chaos strike and repeat till eye beam comes off cd to repeat the first part of the rotation. Thats like your bare minimal rotation. How is 4 buttons to hard / bloat?

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I wish it was. The intricacy of rotations essentially have made me quit PvE.

Yeah, I’ve head enhance has way too many buttons.

Ele feels OK but I don’t think frost shock should be a rotational ability - just a snare - and I don’t care for IceFury, luckily I was able to get my elite set without using either

A: I don’t main this this expansion.

B: Please update your knowledge of the Havoc’s DPS rotation, because it ain’t that. You neglect momentum, essence break, glaive tempest, immolation aura, and the fact that you have to chain these things together to get any worthwhile damage.

Also, lol a ret pally telling me my rotation is easy.

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The Whack-a-mole playstyle is stupid.

I like having a steady rotation of 3-4 buttons, 2-3 dps cooldown, 3-4 defensive cooldown and 6-8 utility.

The proc and priority style play is not for me. (ww monk, ret pal, fire mage)

See you saying to use immolation aura in a single target setting tells me you dont even know how to demon hunter, and what ret paladins are to easy now? That means there are specs in the game that have super easy no brain rotations in a game where “there is to much class bloat” give me a break. If you wish for super simple gameplay why not play a game meant for just that?

I like having 1-2 cooldowns 3-5 buttons 2-4 defensives and then utility I could have 20 for all i care


I’m not sure if paladin had any right to speak about brain dead rotations. Luckily ret gets destroyed in the next patch

I mean… cool? I been maining guardian / feral on retail when i do play wow? But I’m glad people think its an amazing feeling to watch other peoples enjoyment end up as suffering? But i’m glad people agree there are easy specs in this game that are so easy “its brain dead” and that button bloat / complicated rotation are for people who don’t actually play video games so its just troll attempts.

Gods, if Blizzard prunes in 10.2, you people will be whining that all the specs are homogenized and dumbed down in 10.3 and then 11.0 will come around and you’ll cheer the unpruning . . .

Like y’all did last time they pruned and unpruned.

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Problem is when there are spec overperforming by pressing 3 buttons it hurts specs which require more brain power.

So I’m also for pruning outliers

The community doesn’t know what it wants. Classic wow with 1-2 button rotations. You could roll as a frost mage as a gnome and spam frost bolt and blizzard in aoe, and just frost bolt in single target but no one wants to play classic because “its to slow and boring”

Yeah, wasn’t Ghostcrawler working on a MOBA turned MMORPG before he left to start his own studio… not gonna lie I really cant wait for the next batch of wowkiller type games but I do really like the world / setting of wow (pre BFA anyway).