The whole bit of Lilian Voss being there is extremely forced, and the text of the questline is also very weird, sort of hinting at racism in a way. By this point the elves dont hate the Forsaken for being undead…any hate or distrust to the Forsaken is due to what they have done. And 4 dark rangers being present, even saying that they cant feel a thing when visiting the realm the elves have protected for over 10000 years, wont fix the many years they followed Sylvanas to a fanatical degree.
Understandably they want to start building bridges but the taurens are right outside in the Ohn’aran plains. They represent a far better image of help to assist the elves with the new tree. Because yes, the horde needs to be shown helping the elves somehow if some level of neutrality is being attempted. The forsaken could have showed up later, not to mention that out of nowhere Shandris and Voss are now BFFs? What? When? How? and more importantly… Why? Its so out of character for her…
Instead of forcing this idea of acceptance towards the forsaken and undead… how about a proper story about how Tyrande and Malfurion havent had a son/daughter? If wanted, have Tyrande admitting she doesnt see herself as a mother and that she is a warrior first, that the only daughter she has/needs is Shandris regardless of blood. Pick up on the previous thread that was left out during Shadowlands. Which would bring peace to her worries about failing her people. Shandris is such a good character but she continues to play out the support role most of the time and be extremely overshadowed by Tyrande, which is already bad enough as Tyrande is made fun continuously by the community because of how poorly written she has been through WoW’s history and showing zero good character development.
The constant push of having the elves simply forgive and forget about Teldrassil is just an insult to the players and to the characters and story behind them. Its ok to want “renewal” but make it more bearable by having those that caused the harm be part of it.