10.2 - Guardians of the Dream

I am the fire that is approaching
Black smokes in isolation

Revenge is bad. The cinematic.

Well except when Baine does it. :expressionless:

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I think the next expansion will focus on air. We havenā€™t had enough air content.

New cinematic showing off fyrakk and his legendary axe

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Yseraā€™s silent two second cameo in this video is the first appearance sheā€™s had since coming back. Go girl give us nothing.

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Iā€™d die laughing if Sylvanas showed up to help protect the tree.


its sad how desperate you are for attention.


That would make me soo happy and I would die laughing at the irony of it :smiley_cat:

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The framing at Fyakkā€™s feet viewing the tree is so similar to when Sylvanas burnt Teldrassil i instantly thought they were doing it on purpose.

With Tyrande sharpening her warglaives too.

Remember those are all the souls Sylvanas just saved in that seed. She has a reason to protect it. :laughing: itā€™s part of her judgement.

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itā€™s the first time we have really gotten any view inside Fyrrakā€™s head. Sounds like he never liked listening to anyone else to begin with and only tolerated it because he didnā€™t have the strength to say no. Now he does.


Is it just me or does Fyrrak sound like Steve Blum?


Heā€™s Matt Mercer, confirmed by Matt on twitter, but I definitely think heā€™s channeling Steve Blumā€™s performance as Starscream in Transformers Prime.


Matt does a lot of work in wow doesnt he?

Anyways, Fyrakk sounds like some unhinged chaotic evil raidboss, isnt that what people want? Less talking about feelings, more killing?

Off the top of my head heā€™s Rexxar, Rehgar, Aluneth, and the general gargoyle in Revendreth. Probably a bunch of smaller roles too that they had him do while he was in the studio.


Oh wow. Its a very good impression of him. When I first heard his voice Prime Starscream was the first thing to pop into my head. lol

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Yeah, me too. I think the design is also very evocative of Prime Starscream.

Yeah, what exactly is Ysera doing still? She doesnā€™t seem to be important to the story that Malfurion needs to retire to the shadowlands, it seems like she is just kind of uselessly cheerleading for Matilda.


Iā€™m absolutely convinced she was going to be Aspect and they changed their minds for Merithra at the last minute, but by that point the cinematic had already been made so they were stuck with bringing her back. So now sheā€™s just kind of here with nothing to do.
Keep in mind all the presence Ysera had in marketing (loading screen, wallpapers, etc) while Merithra had none of that. Merithra is also only just now getting unique models while Ysera got hers at 10.0 launch.


I really hope Malfurion returns in a cutscene by the end of this patch or xpac.

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In an expansion of just bizarre story decisions, Malfurion not being in the Dream story is definitely near the top.