10.2 - Guardians of the Dream

I wish they could of at least made her a custom set of horns like they did Ebyssian.


After completing a quest with Aviana and Q’onzu (apparently sent by Cenarius to Aviana), and they discover that the Druids of the Flame will stagnate the Dream into ash, Q’onzu is later seen perched on a branch of Amirdrassil near Aviana.



All I’m going to say is that I may look the other way if the Druids of the Flame turn Q’onozu into ashe.


New mounts.


You can now roleplay as the Super Devil!

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Ist depens from which trolltribe we are Speaking here, as a darkspear it was even worse, he litteraly sacrificed all Other tribes in his care for his precious zandalari

No? He saved all the trolls. It was in the books. He saved Zekhan and he even kept Zalazane.


Then Play shadowlands, he sacrificed all non zandalari

I did and it didn’t happen.


1.) He worked with Vol’jin, a non Zandalari during Shadowlands.
2.) Bwonsamdi took great pains to save every troll from going into the Maw during Shadows Rising and even went as far as to save those trying to kill him.
3.) It was Mueh’zala who was focused on claiming the Zandalari, while outright mentioning Rastakhan. His reasons are unknown, but considering how plenty of Zandalari viewed themselves as the superior troll and the other tribes as lesser trolls… then it’s possible that Mueh’zala either felt the same way or mainly focused on the Zandalari because of the losses they suffered from the civil war between Rastakhan and Zul, the Alliance invasion during the Fourth War, and the Widow’s Bite uprising.


It’s funny how we are eliminating the main agents of Order in both the Temporal Conflux and the Emerald Dream.

Of course while the Manifested Timeways learned it’s lesson upon death I cannot ascertain that Nymue will learn her lesson as I know full well that Watcher Irideus(agent of Tyr himself) never did. Clearly they weren’t loyal enough to their respective Dragonflights.

The Order Agents of Zaralek Cavern on the other hand are so loyal to Neltharion it’s ridiculous! They don’t know that Neltharion got corrupted before leaving nor that he is dead and I’m sure the Faceless disguised as him was making sure they were oblivious to both facts as well as the fact that he had even left in the first place!

The Blue and Red Dragonflights have no known Titan Creations aligned with their domains for some reason.

Of course the Blue Dragonflight’s own Arcane Simulacrum their Headmaster had created for Algeth’ar Academy was just as overzealous as the Titan Creations in the Emerald Dream, the Temporal Conflux, Zaralek Cavern and the Halls of Infusion. Said Headmaster was upset by how overzealous she had made her copy.

Malygos was no better than said Arcane Simulacrum with him endangering the World Soul due to not knowing that Azeroth had a Titan World Soul.

Furthermore Lei Shen ended up rebelling against his Race’s creator Ra-Den to bring Order to Azeroth let’s not forget and Odyn got angry over the Titans going against his wishes for the Dragonflights and resigned his position to bring Order to Azeroth his way.

With all that in mind it is clear that Order hasn’t the slightest idea how to actually keep their creations from going off the rails due to their ideas of Order.

To bring Order there must be a single agent of Order as shown with Sargeras and the Legion(which has one agent of Order commanding the Disorder) otherwise the multiple agents of Order cause Disorder due to conflicting directives sometimes even defying their own creators.

Wowhead has screenshots of the Netherwing chilling in their new home on the Dragon Isles.


While I can’t say the reasons for regular Zandalari but I reckon why he mentioned Rastakhan was because of how long he lived thanks to Rezan. Rastakhan lived far longer than any troll should have so imagine all that sweet anima that was built up as a result. Let alone being empowered by a Wild God to boot. Then he died empowered by Bwonsamdi as well.

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Couple of interesting things I noticed while wading through the WoWHead Databases:


There is a version of Tyrande which is encrypted, as of the current build.

Also, these guys got added.



That is an interesting find.

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The portal to Vashj’ir is most likely because Throne of the Tides is going to be a mythic + key in 10.2. Also I think some of the enemies in that dungeon are called Nazjar sentinel and Tempest Witch. So it could be Blizzard revamping their abilities as they have done for certain trash mobs in older dungeons. Such as Vortex Pinnacle from this current season.


I must continue to speak about how much I love the Emerald Dream! It’s the perfect blend of all of it’s mirrors: Ardenweald, Val’sharah and the Emerald Gardens of Ohn’ahran Plains.

Of course we have yet to see it’s Life Realms’ Mirror even if we have seen Thros the Blighted Lands AKA the Emerald Dream’s border to the Realms of Death. The border to the Life Realm would be an interesting locale I would assume too.

Since Azeroth is stated by the Lore Books in the Emerald Dream Zone to be the origin of existence we are technically entering the Heart of the Emerald Dream in this Expansion when we visit the Eye of Ysera.

By eliminating Nymue we free the Emerald Dream from it’s stasis ensuring that the Heart of the Emerald Dream awakens into Reality bringing it’s beauty in with it even as the rest of the Dream sleeps.

I hope they spice the cave up a bit. We know the Netherwing like to hang out around crystals, and we already have a precedent for caves filled with crystals in the isles.


Erasure of the core identity of Kaldorei as Kalimdor’s protectors. “Renewal” is actually just giving up on your homeland and everything there. Awesome.


The new Moonkin customizations! :sob: Finally my fuzzy chicken butt can look the way I’ve always wanted! Might need to dust off my Druid and finally say goodbye to that clunky Glyph of Stars once and for all!