10.2 - Guardians of the Dream

Name a more iconic duo then wow players and wanting to kill anything that doesn’t worship the ground they walk on


The armor looks neat but those goofy little baby wings are embarrassing.

  • Vyranoth is initially uninterested in Wrathion’s mission until he reveals that neither the Netherwing or Thorignir were apart of the Aspects.
  • Mordenaku is the Netherwing ambassador and remembers players who aided him BC.
  • For players who’ve done the Netherwing quest chain from BC, we can tell Wrathion about them over him telling us what Sabellian told him.
  • We help the Netherwing claim the caves overlooking the Temporal Conflux.
  • While the the Thorignir heard the call of the Dragon Isles, Odyn forbade them from heeding it.
  • Wrathion wasted no time in revealing all of Odyn’s sins to Vyranoth, who was mainly furious at his hypocrisy against dragonkind.
  • Eyir and Vyranoth seem to come to an understanding as she willing lets her go confront Odyn.
  • We fight with Odyn that ends in a yet implemented cutscene when he’s at 80% health.
  • At the end of both Netherwing and Thorignir are within the Emerald Dream to help defend Amirdrassil.

I say that in these times of uncertainty we should just play safe and kill that Bird just in case he’s a Dreadlord :man_shrugging:t2:

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Agreed. If the bird is a loa the winter queen can bring them back to Azeroth sooner or later.

That set looks amazing and would look so good on my Man’ari hunter :smile_cat:

I like these small dialogue changes based on our past actions. They make me feel like my character actually matters and is part of the world.

Anything to knock Odyn down a few pegs is a win in my book. Just wish they would stop the whole thing of only letting him get to 80% and then throws a tantrum and leaves.

I hope we get a Dragon Riding Thorignir in the future.


I dunno if anyone should put any stock into those old predictions, but based on how they’ve been used in the past, I’d think that “beware the eyes of green” would probably be the literal Eye of Ysera object, kinda like how Magni was literally referred to as the Diamond King.

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I love these as well. Since our characters can never bloody be actual characters in the main plot, these little side things certainly help.

Makes me happy since up until Dragonflight I’ve flown the same netherdrake since I got it more than a decade ago lol.


I love those moments as well.

Yeah, that is annoying. Just let us deal with the guy once and for all.

  1. Blade master stones as a chest armor
  2. Blade master Greatswords
  3. Combined with the Heritage armor banners you can finally have your own blade master

Though as of right now only the blue version has Traders Tender attached to it, hopefully the others are made available soon after


Now if only they could give us a cosmetic version of the Burning Blade Banner. I was very disappointed that the Orc Heritage did not include them. Right now, the only way to I can have a Burning Blade banner for my Blademaster RP is a toy with a 10 minute duration and an hour long cooldown.


It would be cool if they start giving these types of transmogs to recreate some iconic classes that never made it into the game.

I’m pleased to see the Blade Master finally here at least as an outfit because it’s been widely requested by Orc Players.

We are eventually getting the Warden Set with the Trading Post Achievement so that’s another win (although I hope those 2 colors are separate and not like the tiger that changes on a day/night cycle).

Now I’m crossing my fingers for an eventual Priestess of the Moon Battle Armor! Something like what Tyrande wears in the Novels/Books. You can see that one on Heroes of the Storm “High Priestess Tyrande” Skin


The raid journal was updated.


Survivors from the Burning of Teldrassil have made Amirdrassil their home.


After being blessed by Amirdrassil the aspects will have distinctive glowing eyes.


The interesting thing there is it suggests the world tree has a will in and of itself. Is it perhaps the amalgamated gestalt will of all the Kaldorei that are merged into it?

I keep saying it but I love the glow-ups they gave Ebyssian and Merithra, they really did a great job of designing them to look unique in their respective power. I’m cautiously optimistic about 10.2, I’ve found the Dragon/Titan lore a bit ‘meh’ this expansion but this has definitely piqued my interest!

At first I was like ‘aw c’mon’ when I saw they receive Amirdrassil’s blessing, but knowing the tree itself willingly gives it is an interesting piece I hadn’t considered. I wonder if they’ll provide any explanation to it!


New visage Merithra model data-mined.