10.1.7 have a new "arcane forge"

About time an Alliance-related character was a raid boss. Can’t wait to add her skull to the Path of Glory.

Agreed. I think Turalyon would be in the raid and khadgar will have to face him. Could be really good! Turalyon will feel compelled to aid the Light that Y’rel is bringing!

oh please no NOT MORE OF THOSE HORRIBLE triumphant roars!!!

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they aren’t going to make a forge for one legendary

Prob not but time will tell.

plot twist: its a way to upgrade crafted items

Clearly it’s for the new class Artificer.

So where is this new forge cause its sure not in the place that is pictured to me…I can’t see it…and some others have reported the same thing…so anyone got any ideas?

its not out yet that is on the ptr

probably not, since the reason it existed at all is gone.

As an alliance player, I agree. Can’t stand Yrel.

To your first point. Jaina and Mekkatorque come to mind in BFA.

According to the Booster Parts for one of the Secrets of Azeroth mounts, they need to be combined at the Empowered Arcane Forge, so it might be tied to that. Probably another riddle will come out tomorrow that unlocks it.

It’ll be weird if that’s the only thing it’s used for though, considering the prominent placement and it getting a bloomin’ map icon.

So I can’t put together the parts for the Mimiron’s Jumpjet mount yet?

Yeah so now we have all these parts we have to sit on till this forge comes out I guess…I have all of them.

This is probably cut content as they probably decided to end Dragonflight in favor of 11.0 next summer.

we might see something tomorrow about it

It was listed on wowhead of having 4 parts…did you see that Mythosaur?

Someone answered my question on wowhead about these parts that something is coming up tomorrow…so I guess we wait and see.

Maby it’s for Mimron’s Jumpjets?

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yay more unnecessary systems! Can I just get loot and have loot instead of having to go to wowhead to learn about how I need 3 currencies to upgrade gear and read a 3 paragraph article ?

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