10/12 for Trading Post Achievement is still not fixed

No, I don’t have it because the Warden transmog is not a monthly reward, it’s an achievement reward, and my achievement became bugged in November and now it’s showing that I only completed 11 months even though I’ve completed all 12.

I’m not sure how you’re confused at all. Even that person we replied to wasn’t confused:

Everyone seemed to understand the fact that we should be 12/12 and after finishing this month, we are NOT 12/12 and do NOT have the achievement or the transmog. See:

And the list goes on.


I’m not saying that it’s NOT bugged, especially since it’s impossible to verify which monthly reward in particular might be bugged out because you can’t verify which transmog pieces are collected by looking at the armory. I’m just saying that it didn’t read 100% clear from what you guys were saying :woman_shrugging:

I saw the other posts about people being nervous that they showed as being 10/12, but not super clear confirmation as of yet that those same people finished the trading post this month and didn’t get the Warden set. I noticed that one of my alts only showed as 10/12 when I was going through them, not sure what that was about but it didn’t prevent me from getting the achievement and the transmog set on my mains (that did show as 11/12 before today) when I finished this month’s deal.

Hopefully they get it figured out for y’all.

I hope so, too. But honestly, I have to wait for the next patch to even use the static colorations, so… I guess I’m not in a hurry. lol

I’m sure you’d never ask that question, because you know the answer would be no.

I don’t ask questions when I know I’m going to get a stupid answer.

This is a very annoying bug. I wish they would apply a hot fix.

Ngl. I love what this post has turned into

It sucks that it’s bugged and the bug is being ignored. I have completed the trading post every month and the achievement tracks 10/12 (soon to be 11/12). So myself and many others have to wait an extra month to complete the achievement bc blizzard can’t be bothered to fix it.

I think we are missing part of the story here

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What’s crazy to me is that this achievement is one of the more hyped/anticipated things to come from this expansion and there was seemingly little to no oversight for something like this. The bug is unfortunate.

I understand that the holidays were just here, but this IS a live service people pay for. It isn’t the end of the world, but I don’t think I’ve seen any Blue comment on this situation as fast as the feedback regarding the color swapping complaints.

The part you’re missing is that they became upset because I didn’t just head to wowhead like they told me to and replied to them about 5 times to show them proof of the bug. That’s when they made the threat and closed my ticket. And yet, they told me I could make more tickets just to talk about my adventures in the game, but not about the bug.

It’s annoying. Blizzard is too short staffed if they can’t fix one achievement that’s been a year-long promotion they hyped to players.

well that makes sense then

The worst part is that now we have Blizzard fanboys defending the company for no reason. They think it’s insane that we’re complaining a bug that is affecting us simply because they don’t care about the achievement.

Same issue here. I feel like a fake warden. I first experienced the bug of not being awarded the monthly reward. - I reseted my UI, completed two more activities, and it sorted itself out after a few days. Got the pet, but the achievement is stuck at 11/12.