Trading Post Enthusiast missing a month

Progress on my achievement shows 10/12

Should be 11/12


Same issue. Blizzard hasn’t responded at all.

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Have either of you completed the December Trading Post log?

I’ve completed every month from Feb-Dec

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Every month.

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Same issue here.


Same here, I opened a ticket for this a few months ago and just today, only got automated responses, and any info I can find is usually a response like. “The team has addressed this issue.”

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I bet most people don’t realize and won’t until next month when they don’t get their reward.

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Blizzard doesn’t seem to care about fixing stuff until there’s a storm of complaints about it.


Blizzard responded to a ticket of mine today, they dont seem to care it appears.
http s://imgur. /a/HFuVY7o

^ fill in above link

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I got a response, and it’s basically “Not our problem, our game is perfect, so we won’t do anything.”

I’m Game Master Bestriazzr. Thank you for contacting Blizzard’s Support. I’ve taken a look into this and I’m afraid that there are no known issues with this specific feature. Taking this in consideration, there’s not much that can be done here since we have technical limitations that prevent us from assisting in these situations, I’m afraid, even though I really wanted to.

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Really hope there’s a larger outcry next month when people notice

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My achievement also shows 10/12 and my only option was to submit a bug report. It sucks working on it each month for this and not being able to have it when everyone else does. Of course they probably won’t do anything about it because they haven’t done anything about the people that also somehow magically have it.

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It’s strange they can’t do anything about it.

Each month has an associated reward that they can check against the player.


I received another reply from customer support.

Apparently, if our threads do not get Blizzard’s attention, then nothing will be done about it.

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Legitimately, when they removed most of the local GM’s from their campus there and in Austin, they also lost most of their tools to do things in-game.

This is incorrect. If you have completed every Traveler’s Log then you should have 11.

  1. February
  2. March
  3. April
  4. May
  5. June
  6. July
  7. August
  8. September
  9. October
  10. November
  11. December

There is even a Blue post stating:

Here is my progress for reference.


Ah yes, forgot to include Feb in that count. Was counting months like you would a calendar.

The first month I remember had issues where people were getting the full achievement at first. Must have been a lingering bug keeping some people from getting credit.

My achievement shows 10/12 as well, when it should be 11/12. I went thru all the trading posts completion rewards and have verified that I have all of them including December’s battle pet Buttercup.

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