10.1 strafing issue?

In the past on occasion I would hit strafe and it would auto-strafe me until I hit the key again, maybe once a day? Now in 10.1 it’s happening every few seconds, did they change the input frequency or something like that? I strafe a lot when I play, this is borderline unplayable as is :frowning:


Nah its happening to me too, I thought it was just me


ok well let me know if you find a fix, it’s not an addon or anything like that I’ve tested. grrr this is so frustrating


This is happening to me too! I thought my mouse was dying (my cat likes to chew on the cord).


yeah I was thinking it was a sticky mouse button since I strafe with my 2 side mouse buttons, but I tried to switch it to keys on my keyboard and it’s still happening


Same here, and I found a post within Technical Support that I added to … For me, it’s happening because I have strafe left/right bound to mouse button 4/5. When I press either strafe button + the right-mouse button, autostafe turns on. Pressing the same strafe button by itself turns it off.

Like others posted, I never had issues before today. And I always moved around using strafe + right mouse button + moving the mouse itself to conveniently keep my area of focus in front of me.

Now, it just happens every time I press the two buttons together, basically invalidating how I have been playing for like the last 6 or 7 years maybe … frustrating … I hope something can be done.


that’s a great summary of my issue aswell, i have the exact same issue. i use mouse button 4 and 5 to strafe. I didn’t connect htat it was happening when i hit the right mouse button… I have had this issue before this patch, but it would happen on a rare occasion. Please let me know if you get any answers and I’ll do the same


Thanks … and if you haven’t already, you and everyone here should add to the post in technical support

I also think we should all create bug reports as well

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This was happening to me on PTR and yeah pretty much every time now I get stuck strafing. I just side mouse buttons to strafe.

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I also use mouse 4/5 for strafing and holding down right-click and strafe causes this issue for me.


reply in this post aswell, lets get this attention. Game is unplayable imo with this bug if you use mouse button 4/5 to strafe

Input (Keyboard/Mouse) issues since 10.1, character stuck running - Support / Technical Support - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


Happening to me as well. Strafe on Mouse button 5 and 4. Pressing any other button on the mouse while using one of the strafe keys causes the “auto-strafe” bug. It is repeatable 100% of the time. Hold down strafe and not press any other mouse keys and it works fine.

This used to happen to me infrequently, likely when I held down both strafe buttons on accident. Looking for a way to disable it.


I changed all my strafe keys to something else.

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Remapping the keys with third party software is an effective workaround for this bug.

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Also happening to me :frowning:

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my move backward is screwing up.
I thought it was my mouse so I go buy a new one day. No biggie, I needed a new router anyway. Well it wasnt my mouse. its the game getting stuck in reverse till I push it again and it stops

I use mouse 5 for moving backward.

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This is exactly what I’m experiencing as well . started after reset Tuesday iirc.

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This is exactly what is happening to me after the last reset. Very frustrating to continue strafing into objects or off edges :frowning:

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M5, at least, and I believe M4 as well, seem to ‘stick’ if you press them before entirely letting go of M1/M2.

Ive tested it out of combat too, same thing. They get ‘stuck’ if you dont fully release M1/2 before pressing M4/5.

My M5 is use for moving backward and its been getting stuck in reverse if I dont make sure to fully let go of the forward movement buttons. which is pretty easy to do in the heat of combat.

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There is an issue with character controls I think because they have so many mechanics in the game that removes your control of characters, like that one rare in the new area that keeps on pulling you in. My controls go haywire after that every time.

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