10.1 has zero new pvp content

Does this mean… the faction war is almost over?!


Whoa whoa whoa… lets not get ahead of ourselves… It’s not world of good buddycraft!

We are making new Factions. 3 of the to be specific.

Dwarves, Humans, Gnomes, Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, undead.

Tauren, Vulpera, Worgen, Pandaran, Dracythyr

Night Elves, Blood Elves, Nightborne, Void Elves, Dreanei

I want a scourge faction, Let me live out my edge lord fantasy and be the bad guy.


I’m giving you a “like” just for that.

add comp stomp as a permanent bonus bg thank you

More than what you’ve ever gotten in content that is considered a side-game.

WoW is not a PvP focused game, your ignorance is doing the most damage here.

BIS pvp items, although priest and pally need to be swapped around.

Mogging is 9/10 of world of warcraft actually, I wouldn’t go for rating without tmog, but I wouldn’t go for raids without tmog either

Cross faction guilds won’t really affect anything PvP related. You still won’t be able to WPvP or do random BGs with people cross faction in your guild.

New gear upgrading system is being excluded out of PvP. Blizzard said in a recent interview they’re leaving PvP out of it for now but could revisit the idea later in the future for upgrading it’s PvE ilvl.

Looking pretty boring for PvP. :dracthyr_shrug:


Thing people dont think about is in PvE, old content is old content that doesnt really remain part of current end game…whereas all bgs and arena maps stay in the current pool.

Having more and more isnt necessarily the best thing.

The best ways to help PvP right now aside from balance (which is in a decent spot right now) is providing more rewards to encourage participation for arena and rbgs and improving the lfg ui.

My bet is if Blizzard could do away with PvP altogether they would. The only positive this could have on PvP is if all queues were faction agnostic and it was red/blue team instead. Would make everything balanced out better and faster queues for all. But to get rid of faction war just sucks. Imagine if Warhammer Online was re-released with cross-faction lol. Let’s play a Star Wars game where Stormtroopers fight alongside Jedi against Wookies and Hutt Cartel. Why is Warcraft’s lore any different.

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It sure seems that way at times but I’m more inclined to believe the higher ups are slashing their budget and they’re devoting most of their limited resources to pve development.

That did happen…

I remember an ex-PvP dev saying he barely got enough resources to make a new arena. He wanted to make more new stuff for PvP (i.e. probably new bgs), but he didn’t have enough support.


I think it’s too soon to tell with this. Blizz has given almost no information on it. I think it stands to reason that you will be able to group together with opposing faction players, otherwise what’s the point?

I just read the notes. I guess it doesn’t really matter tbh. How many people are really upgrading the PvE ilvl of their gear anyway?

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3 components of customer service; cost, speed, quality. You can’t add to one without taking from one of the others.

Could use another BG and…remove seething shore.

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sadly no PvP content is not surprising any more =( , they didn’t even bother to balance the warriors and rogues (last rogue’s nerfs are a joke)

I love Arathi Blizzard too!

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