10.1 has zero new pvp content

Yet another big patch without any sight of ANYTHING new for pvp. Aside from the new arena and full solo shuffle release, there has been virtually nothing added in Dragonflight so far similar to Shadowlands where they only added a few new arenas over the course of the expansion. Anyone else who mainly pvps disappointed?


The fixes we need probably can’t come sooner than 11.0.

Except for new tier sets, cross-faction guilds, and a new gear upgrading system. Even so, it hits the PTR tomorrow, too soon to tell what effects it will have in PvP yet.

I cant run random bgs with horde, but I can be in a guild with them?


It has to happen sooner with this change. I promise not to eat your brain while you’re alive.

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I appreciate your self-control Raist.

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what new content do you want? another deepwind gorge or seething shore?


How about another twin peaks? another BFG? Kotmogu, wsg,ab, silvershard mines? Even if people don’t agree on some of the bgs I listed, all of them are stellar, lets not pretend blizzard are incapable of making a quality bg.

I think reworking the visuals on the existing bgs would be better than a new one. What they did to wsg and Arathi was cool


Just keep your distance until I’ve had my morning coffee :wink:

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Do we really need another new BG? I could go for another Epic but we have a pretty decent rotation minus Seething Shore.

Eye of the storm
Twin Peaks
SS Mines

I feel like if we keep throwing in more we would NEED to use blacklisting. I already feel like I rarely ever get AB or EoTS.

Cooking Impossible should be thrown into the rotation for Normal BGs and TM vs SS should be thrown into the rotation for Epic BGs.

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Better than Seething Shore :dracthyr_shrug:

I disagree

I’ll take seething shore any day over the awful brawls

The only brawl worth adding is arathi blizzard

Warsong brawl i’d like more if it didn’t have powerups in it

Cooking impossible is just so many levels of LAME-O watching someone ferry two ingredients on a yak


I’ll take 9 inch nails through each one of my eyelids over Seething Shore.

Now this I could get behind.

Definately need new maps.

How about Strand of the ancients back, 5s arenas back , tol barad added into epic, hala added into epics or the brawl list, (fix IOC by either buffing glaive health, making them healable, or fixing the hangar bottleneck in allie favor.)

make an actual premade/twink bracket for ppl who join as groups. Since they have blown up with communities.

just off the top of my head.

Maybe some affixes like mythic+ players get. The snow storm in AB is a good example. add stuff like that into RBGs.

the cooking one is hands down my least favorite thing I’ve ever seen in the game. i despise it. Id rather spend 4 hours on the phone with ATT customer service.

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Really? Worse than Gravity Lapse? Or Deep six? Or Comp Stomp?

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Man I wish we could still do signatures in the WoW forums.

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