10 years, really?

So ten years are going to go by while were stuck in the Shadowlands and that will give Anduin enough time to get married, have a child, and will let the writers never have to worry about writing a romance on how that came to be. Bravo!!

I’m sure all the five to ten year old’s will assume that a magical light forged stork dropped it off.

Also, the MacGuffin that is Sylvanas and the “mystery” that is the Jailer isn’t really a strong motivator to make me, the player, want to go over there and continually kill a dozen mobs or collect a dozen items over a few hundred different NPC’s, (but if all else fails I can just hit the LFG button a few times and max out that way.)

I’ve been playing this game for over 10 years, real time, and this, this fighting against a Light Forged army of religious fascist seems like a lot more interesting game then killing another former war chief again.

Now if this is a big set up for that Light Forge invasion, like how WoD was for Legion… and I will say; Legion was the most fun I had playing the game since Wrath of the Lich King… I’d be totally hyped to play that expansion. Maybe you can call the next expansion Light and Shadow. Since we’re coming from a shadow world and there coming from a light world.

So, in conclusion, with the release of the main cinematic for Shadowlands being already out, all the bad press Blizzard has gotten over the years, and a lack information about what has been going on with a lot main lore characters in BFA, it still hasn’t made me want to buy it or even invest the time trying to figure these questions out through game play. (Because, YouTube)

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Just curious, where is the ten years number from? I really don’t want to watch the video.


“We will have to see how this difference in time will affect our characters when we come out the other end.”
Ion Hazzikostas

So it’s like, a lot of time will pass. Could be 5 to 50, but I’m sure it won’t be one or two. Because that’s how much time has passed in the past expansions.


I mean…

At this point the story of WoW is so borked that I think it’s impossible to go any further WITHOUT multiple decades serving as a “reset button.” And if black hole time dilation is how to do that while not hard resetting everyone’s character roster, well that’s how it goes.


I’m still hoping we get get to collect three boar livers and a murlock eye that thrall needs to obliterate Sylvanas in whatever the expansion’s starting zone is, in the middle of the first quest hub.

So, so tired of Sylvanas. Absolutely exhausted.


I admit I am not one to watch every streamer, or hunt down every thing on the you tube. But I do not know where you get 10 years from? Blizzard teased that the passage of time may be a factor. That could mean a lot.

The next expac could be immediately after Shadowlands. Or one day after. Or 5 years. 10 years. 100 years. Or… maybe time somehow goes backwards while we are in Shadowlands, and when we finish Shadowlands and return to Azeroth, we arrive back in time before the War of Thorns!

I think its a little early to get too worked up. All they did was open the possibility of a time skip. They did not say how big or how it will play out.


I guess that’s true, but this YouTuber has already spoiled a lot Shadows Rising, the next WoW book that hasn’t been released yet, and almost exclusively covers Blizzard topics. So that tells me that he might know something that the general public doesn’t, but I could be wrong.

I could just be getting pissed off at misleading title and thumbnail.

belluar has never been right about anything lol how is he getting 10 years from basically “LOl we doing a timeskip but it could be 1 day to 10000000 years we not saying”


The timeskip is unconfirmed, and if it was, the amount of time it would be is even less confirmed. I imagine it only upsets me because you won’t get to ship Anduin with Perfectia anymore, but I’d imagine he’d like someone who doesn’t crap the bed nightly.

You would also do well to not refer to Bellular videos as gospel, as they are heavy speculation at most.


I like Bellular well enough, but when he gets on a roll he forgets to identify where his lore ananylsis ends and his full blown fan fic starts.

This is one of those times. He starts at the vague “time is wonky” quote, and decides that ends ten years later with an invasion from AU Yrel. Everything after “time is wonky” happens entirely within his own skull and then falls out of his mouth.

In other words, don’t sweat it.


I’ve said this before, context matters.

The answer was in response to why some characters said they’d been in the Shadowlands a while. Doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll have a significant impact after.


The gus has been wrong about 90% of the stuff he says even the novel shadows rising he got information on wrong plus he is notorious for click bait titles take every word with a grain of salt

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The only reason I would ever suggest WoW to players, or buying the latest expansions, is if they like running through repetitive content.

The story, the character development, the lore coherency and consistency, is the worst it has ever been. My thoughts are that we shouldn’t get our hopes up for any future expansions, because Blizz has demonstrated that they aren’t really invested in telling coherent, sensible and truly fulfilling narratives anymore.

All these questions and off handed comments that Beuller is speculating on non-starters, because Blizzard will roll the dice again halfway through this expansion and change everything based on the extreme backlash they receive, just like they did with WoD and BFA.

And this.

99% of his stuff is overblown reactions and fan-fic; I’ve seen very little meaningful, fact based analysis come from him.


I think it’s also worth nothing that in this example, doesn’t make the case for a time skip. Quite the opposite. If time moves much faster in the Shadowlands to the point where ages in the Shadowlands = Years on Azeorth, then it’s more the case that we’re go and spend a couple of years in Shadowlands and return to Azeroth to find that only a few hours/days/weeks/months have gone by!

It’s not year outside, hour inside. It’s not like cryogenic freezing rules.

It’s year inside, hour outside. Aka Hyperbolic Time Chamber rules.

I think it’s best to just go with the wonky time shennanigans lets them kind of do whatever they want.

And it’s not like Blizzard has to introduce the conceit of traveling to the afterlife. Time travel shennanigans have been a thing in game for a while, thanks to the Bronze Dragonflight.

Once you’ve reach levelcap on a character in the next expansion, your new characters have the option to visit Chromie and choose “when/where” to level up. Create a Demon Hunter or Zandalari, and want to level from 1-50 entirely in Wrath of the Lich King or MoP and never so much as look at Cata, Legion or BfA? You can do it.


I agree partially, but also you wrote this.


ok this is a funny call out


You do know Ion is prone to saying one thing and doing another? he could very well be talking crap to drum up hype and saying things like “There will be X and Y” is a magnet to people like Bellular who will jump on that and make a video, thus getting people to watch it and getting Blizzard free publicity.


not really, people just take his lawyer speak and go wild, all he said there might be some sort of time stuff cause time most different in shadowlands, he didnt say if it was gonna be a big skip or not

That’s what I mean. He’s saying there might be one and people are taking it as gospel but he could get bored like he does and just scrap the idea altogether.


Ohhh this is going to completely disrupt so many RP storylines if people don’t want to write that their characters were hanging out in the Shadowlands during the timeskip. Or there’ll have to be a distinction between timelines now, where one scene might be “pre-skip” while another might be “during skip” while another might be “post-skip”. Hmmmm.

I guess this could be an opportunity to slap together some major character changes without having to wait for them…?