10 man loot needs to be 2 items with a 50% chance at a 3rd

Forums wont let me swap ever since i took a free xfer to crusader strike.

Everyone knows me tho.

Thats 100% me, you think i found a random log that happened to do the same thing i did?


Im Drinknblink/Manuredps and Peeposcam.

Im in HUNKS on Benediction.

And this is why i use this character for the forums. I will never transfer, name change, etc. This toon so i wont have this issue again as i did in origional cata.

I find it pretty funny that the doubters are intentionally avoiding responding to this factual response. Thereā€™s a reason why everyone does 10m now. Overall its infinitely easier vs 25 man, the numbers donā€™t lie. Thereā€™s nothing wrong if you chose to go down the 10m route, but trying to coordinate 25 people vs 10 people on many of these fights is just night and dayā€¦not sure what is so hard to understand about it. The fact of the matter is that its far easier to get 10 competent players vs 25 competent players.

Which does not mean the fights are actually harder.


They are actually harder for most fights, including all iconic fights (Rag, Lich King, Deathwing spine).

The bossesā€™ HP per dps is larger, incoming damage / heal is larger, you have less room per player, bosses hit harderā€¦ These are the definition of ā€œharderā€.

And most importantly, itā€™s tremendously harder to gather 25 competent players. Sure you can argue this is not something in the fights themselves but its attributed to overall difficulty.

Right and 25 mans have more people to deal with that increased damage. And the flip side of having more people is that each individual is less important over all so if someone dies or when single players get targeted etcā€¦


Like I mentioned earlier, you can NOT carry a bad player in 25man from Fireland and beyond, especially the iconic fights. Again, method had 3 players left in their world first Lei-shen. All of their players are best of best and did all mechanics perfectly. Why do you avoid responding to this?

And plus, when we talk about incoming damage/dps we have already factored the ā€œmore healers to deal with that increased damageā€. Do you know how hard the dps check is for phase 3 heroic rag that you can only afford to have 4 healers in a 25M raid? Paragon only brought 3 healers in their world first cuz they couldnā€™t beat the dps check back then with 4 heal.

Again, echo and liquid will tell you 25M is just tremendously harder. Believe in you or them?

He wont accept anything because he does 10m.

I even linked the write up Paragon did for Firelands and they had world first10m and 25m heroic kills.

25 man is harder, the dps checks in 10m are gone, they dont exist.

10m is the watered down version of the raid.

Who the hell cares what world first raiders have to say about the difficulty raids pose to the other 99% of the playerbase? Do you know what a bias is?

Nobody cares except some guy in this post who insist on claiming one mode is equally or more difficult than the other. People are providing proofs as counter-argument.

10m doesnā€™t need any changes. It should simply be removed instead. Worst decision they ever made with this game was adding 10m in TBC.

Well they shouldnā€™t simply remove 10m. One reason I still log on to retail is to play delves, a way to grind some pseudo-bis gear (not really close tbh) without a single word of whatsocalled socialization in a video game.

But maybe having an easier version of game dropping exact same items as the hardest version worth reconsideration.

Yeah, retail is right there for that. Not needed here.

Three items should always drop in 10man. 25mans are the easier kill so should get reduced loot. Would help prevent the GDKP 25man stack as well.


Youā€™re 7/13H in the easiest mode in the game, 10 manā€¦

:skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

Blizzard and a few posters have admitted that most people prefer 10 man so they have to be bribed to do 25 man/

10 man is only there for people who arenā€™t good enough to do 25 man.

Please update chat when you manage to get a top 100 parse :smiley:

Heck, just do more than 10k dps on Atramedes :skull:


Please update chat when you manage to go 13/13H.

You canā€™t even do it on the easiest version of the raids.

Donā€™t worry you guys can always come back in MOP to finally full clear tier 11 lmfao

Well really only the people handling recruiting, most people see no difference in difficulty between 10 and 25 man, they show up and donā€™t stand fire.