10 man loot needs to be 2 items with a 50% chance at a 3rd

Your average ilvl is 367.5 from your logs 4 days ago.

And your guild is missing lots of bosses week to week so it makes sense you were lower ilvl at the same time we killed heroic Nef.

The fight was easier idk what to tell you.

The adds is why you die and there is far less adds to worry about in 10m.

game too dead for 25man raids (imo) need flex or 10man buffs to loot* asap

not sure why this turned into ego about which one is harder lol


Because 10 men players can’t handle the fact that they’re wiping to an easier version of the raid

It’s more that the handful of people who genuinely enjoy 25 mans can’t accept that without the extra loot 25 mans would be dead.


Yeah then we wouldn’t have this debate because we would all be doing the easy version of The raid

More people would be doing the equally difficult version of the raid on the size they prefer.


Oh you’re a 10-man player now it makes sense

Bump this topic. 10m Loot distribution needs increased. I don’t care if it’s equal to 25m (per player), but at least close the gap if we’re only getting 3 months (Minus multiple holidays this phase) per phase.


13/13H 25 here, feel free to check logs. There are literally premade WeakAuras that can coordinate every cooldown and assignment for you.

With equal skilled players, 25 man is easier.


So those same add-ons don’t work on 10 man?.

10 man is a joke there isn’t even any DPS check in 10 man the biggest issue with 10 man is killing the bosses too fast

And the biggest issue with 25 man is just getting 25 people to show up, which is why blizzard had to bribe you with extra loot.

Yeah let’s just ignore the fact that every mechanic hits harder there’s more room there’s no DPS checks and the boss has significantly lower health

Besides all of that though 10 men is harder

You’re becoming a meme at this point

Mechanics don’t hit as hard to compensate for not having a raid cooldown to cover every one of them.

Boss has less health because (gasp) there are less players. 72+% of your raid is DPS in 25 man, 60% in 10.

What DPS check is there in 25 unless your group is terrible? Only one I can think of is maybe Ascendant Council P3.


Boss has significantly less health in relation to the amount of players.

You literally have world first raiders who got world first in 10 AND 25 saying the same things I’m saying here.

You’re playing the meme watered down version of the raid, who cares tbh, collect your free loot.

What’s funny is if you actually did any research on this you would know that 10m was the hardest version of the raid, they didn’t think of things like interrupts and CDs when the raid first launched.

So if this was all pre nerf you would actually be right, 10m would be harder than 25m but this isn’t how it was on launch, this has all the changes up to and including patch 4.1.

You’re literally playing the watered down version of 10m.

25 man was nerfed too :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sure but the nerfs affected both, you literally have 10m only nerfs all the way up to and including 4.1

Data doesn’t care how you feel

I raided this content back in 2011 too, and I’ll agree 25 was more challenging back then.

But people then knew a lot less about their class and the encounters, PC/latecy was a much bigger issue for most players, and all you really had was boss timers to go by - not these massive visual alert WAs that trivialize much of the fight and/or handle coordination that used to be on raid leaders to manage. A lot of the difficulty of 25 at the time has been removed simply by better technology.

10M got so many “nerfs” (fixes) because Blizzard botched the tuning and some mobs had the same health as 25 man, and likewise some mechanics did the same damage in 10 as 25.

The current patch is probably about as close as you can get it. Some are harder on 25, some are harder on 10, most of them are pretty much the same.

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That was my point, if this was how it was back then like the actual launch of t11 with the botched balancing id agree 10m is harder.

However it isn’t.

The bosses on 10m are a joke now, if you can’t beat a boss on 25m you swap it to 10m and it’s free.

Paragon the world first Firelands guild got it on 10m and 25m and they did a full write up, I posted it somewhere in here I think.

It’s basically the same things I’m saying here.

10m is free idk what to say or why it bothers the 10m players, it just is what it is.

Prove you own this character, otherwise posting with a lvl 54 alt says a lot.

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