10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

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You can solo legion raid and dungeons. I honestly don’t see the issue. Maybe aside from motherload since it has a mount drop. But no matter what we couldn’t solo content from last expansion easily. We don’t have legendary or even lfr gear. Maybe wait and see if they change anything?

My question stands.

Because it’s my opinion?

So much this, scaling in any form completely takes all progression out of the game.


Oh so no real reason then just to antagonize people. Ok.


No offense but you do know why the squish happened? Stats and damage was becoming insane. To high. You can solo anything in legion, but they stated before shadowlands even dropped that it won’t be far of from bfa ilvl, and power wise

How? Doesn’t It only matter if you feel stronger in current contentb

No it doesn’t. This expansion is not a standalone game. We have outleveled the old content and we should be able to go back and one shot everything with auto attack. Why do we need to go through a full rotation in Firelands now? Firelands was Cataclysm… we are in Shadowlands. How many expansions is that?


Honestly you sound like the type of person who doesn’t value others opinions anyways. You’re not really worth the time or energy explaining to you what I think.

No. It’s called progression. Everything we’ve done in the past that’s considered old content SHOULD be easier 10 levels later. Blizzard’s scaling KILLS power progression.


No? Corruptions got vaulted because blizz even recognized it was worse than the the thing it was replacing. Absolutely no one is angry over corruption leaving. They have perfectly happy with it gone. The only thing renown give content wise is a reward track and the campaign. Everything else doesn’t require renown

Exactly the non-response I was expecting from someone who does nothing but post to antagonize people. There’s a name for people like you.

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We are actually weaker, significantly so, compared to level 50.


Fying requires renown.

You can solo everything. Except bfa. And I can explain why. Bfa was changed closer to what shadowlands would be when the first half of the pre patch dropped. It could’ve been because of testing reason or the original launch. I’m fine with that. My heroic nylotha gear wasn’t replaced till ardenweld.

Corruptions were a bad idea anyway…

But we don’t have flying yet???

It’s not about being able to solo. It’s about being WAY STRONGER. Firelands was level 85 and now we’re supposed to be level 130. How is it we need a rotation in there and not just auto attack things? PROGRESSION MATTERS IN AN MMORPG.


The “weaker” gear has more item level, more primary and secondary stats and our level is higher, there is absolutely zero logic on us being weaker when every single stat we can have from level to gear is higher.
This is just poor execution from Blizzard and anyone trying to defend this is just plain wrong.