10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

Yes, exactly this. While the fallout from the disaster that was WoD was still ongoing, I remember Ion did an interview (or maybe a Q&A?) where he acknowledged that player complaints about feeling weaker as they levelled up in WoD (where secondary stats were whittled away with each level so you’d end up with silliness like 2% haste at cap) and said they would make sure that players would not feel weaker as they levelled up again. A lesson learned for the future.

Now, here we are. And not only is it happening again, but the scaling mechanics of BfA content means that we can’t even go back to content TEN LEVELS under us and feel a little powerful. Those world quest one-shot bosses like the Azerite Madness ones? They turned into tuned-up whittle-them-down mobs after the squish at level 50, and they actually take LONGER to kill even at level 57 where my main is now.

Two-year-old world content that can take a chunk of HP off your next-expansion-levelled main. Think about that.

(Though Ret seems unusually squishy in this expansion, another mystery without an answer).

Just stop already. Unless you’re part of the Wow dev team, you don’t know what their priorities, plans and schedules might be. White-knighting them with statements like that - presented as fact when the facts are not known outside of the dev team - is really just trying a little too hard.


If it was a priority they’d be doing it. ???

i saw bfa in the OP so i went with that. can def confirm legion still being chunky is annoying though, even lfr antorus took way longer than it should have

That’s a myth. It was the convenient excuse rolled out at the time (“Garrosh wouldn’t work on the 32-bit client”), but it is not only provably untrue, but Blizzard even ADMITTED it was untrue and that the first squish was done (like all of them are) for aesthetic reasons.


You have a link to the blue post stating that? Post it here pls.

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I just checked this on one of my alts that’s still sitting in a flying zone, and fear not, all of the above still works.

Walking backwards, that’s another story, but that bit of flavour was undoubtedly killed off for the raids.

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If I did, I would have linked it. It was a Twitter comment by one of the devs, and yes, I wish I’d saved the link at the time.

I commented about it at the time in the old forums, but they’re long gone.

The 32-bit claim, though, was rubbished by many from day one, since it was a problem easily solved by changing the way the code handled numbers. It just happened to be around the time the 64-bit client was rolling out, so I guess that got to be the convenient excuse for a squish that was (as they all are) all about “some players don’t like big numbers”.

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Same character? You can keyword search as the old forums still exist.

Edit my wife said you can also apparently keyword search on Twitter as well.

I personally think the legacy buff should apply to content one expansion prior as long as you’re max level in the current expansion.

That will never happen. Modern wow devs hate fun too much for that to happen.


This always happens. Its because your secondary stats take a huge hit. Once the first tier is out you’ll be pumping out more damage.

Protip, put back on your 3 pieces of Azerite gear and your heart of Azeroth when doing BFA or older content “on azeroth” regardless of the lower item level. You’ll feel much stronger.

Yes, I do expect to be able to clear raids from TWO EXPANSIONS AGO in quest greens, because raids from two expansions ago ought to be trivial. There is no reason at all that we should need to gear up in current expac raid gear to clear four year old content.


read the rest of the thread.

I’ve read it, and I’d like to know what you’re smoking. Because that must be some good stuff if you think gearing for obsolete content should be a thing.


On my main at 158 ilvl, I tried out some old dungeons. ICC 25H took me 3x as long to do somehow, H FL I couldn’t notice a difference but that’s because of the timewalking scaling and I couldn’t notice a difference, only a little longer to clear in 25H MSV.

I haven’t tested a lot of old raids yet but my main feels a lot weaker than what he did at 120 for farming old mounts and old content.


Yes we are. It just doesnt feel strong as compared to same level mobs. But when fighting mobs from a previous xpac? We have most definitely always been stronger.


Yeah, not really sure how we got here… I mean, leveling in a new expansion always made it feel like we got weaker as we leveled as a result of secondary stat rating requirements getting higher and transitioning from epics to greens/blues. HOWEVER it never felt like we were weaker doing older content because of the level gap and how being higher level than mobs affected you attacks, you always felt stronger.

The fact that older content is just as hard and, depending on class/spec/and previous gear, harder in some cases is really mind boggling and a bit unsavory and I say this as someone who has actively advocated for options to Chromie Time to be able to continue doing old content around the power level it was designed for.

I can cope with feeling weaker in current, Shadowlands, content because it follows a very straight forward path of growth. I would like an optional mode to go back to older content I missed and play it at a power level close to what was intended for the content. However, older content being as hard, if not harder, to complete when 10 levels above it and outside of any currently non-existant though thoroughly desired option scaling modes or such feels bad…

Part of me wants to blame a combination of Stat Squish, Level Squish, Level Scaling, and iLvL scaling all working together and creating this situation. Regardless, I do agree it feels very bad…


Most of this thread seems to be an argument about why Legion content isn’t getting a legacy buff, but it is. I can confirm I’ve run a few Legion dungeons on my 60s and I was basically one-shotting the bosses. I’m sure there are a few raid mechanics that might need to be tuned eventually to make them easier to deal with in a post-squish legacy environment, but that is probably not a priority at this point.

BFA content is not legacy, there’s likely been no effort rebalancing it for the squish so people can solo it because it’s not meant to be easily solo’d yet.

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A friend of mine who got to level 60 before I did told me about the level squish problem they’re having with legion and everything else. He asked me to save all my BFA gear and try to run a legion mythic with new gear and with old gear. With old gear I was getting higher DPS than with the new gear and 10 levels higher. We literally got downgraded. The new gear has destroyed my secondary stats, it’s pretty much made my MM hunter unplayable.


Yes it should, there is literally no reason why those raids should be able to do anything to you.