10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

There isn’t one, it’s literally just how things have been. They’re not busy by that point doing anything, and they get around to toggling the Legacy Damage buff. They can apply it at any point, yet they wait until you’re already massively overgeared for the 10+1 level content you should’ve been steamrolling from the offset on level advantage alone (that you needed an extra ‘xx’ amount of item levels in stats/secondary stats for just to complete.)

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My observations based on soloing content on many characters and helping others do content they could no longer do alone. You clearly haven’t been paying attention.

Demanding confirmation directly from blizzard central just means you have no argument whatever.

“If Blizzard didn’t announce this directly that proves whatever I believe is right, even though I haven’t been paying attention.”


It just comes across as the devs being anti-fun and anti-player.

Why do they want to antagonize us?


you said standard response. you did not say “this is what i feel is true.”

asking for confirmation is not a lack of an argument. but pretending that it’s been stated when it’s not true at all, is.


Ion doesn’t do transmog. Be very afraid.


He already has a war on flying thats been going on for years. Now he comes for our mogs.


it’s gonna take months until they make most of the mythic fights with group mechanics to be for solo players…

mythic KJ orbs, eonar, aggramar to name a few…

Point still stands, they constantly do this it’s not the first time they do it… it’s all because the constant stat squishes they do to the game otherwise we would have way more stats and damage than anything from legion.


do you know why the first squish happened? or why garrosh had 990348503485 phases? literally things got to the point the game could NOT work if things kept going the way they were.

Well, heck. Ion has told us smashing old content is not fun, so they needed to fix that.


Even in sl’s content there is no power difference with gaining the 10 lvls, I wouldn’t be surprised that there actually is no difference between 50 and 60 other than a couple gained abilities in the spellbook. On top of that blizz set the tuning of secondary stats and gear very low to start the new expansion. Lvls now seem to do nothing more then add some cosmetic number for the illusion of progress or of it being an rpg.


Link to your source.


it’s called hyperbole. and you didn’t respond to my other comment. i was OBVIOUSLY over exaggerating. anyone could see that. you got caught in a lie and then told me i have no argument. :slight_smile:

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That’s simply boiling down to Blizzard not knowing how to NOT do appropriate stat elevation. Instead of a very steady, minimal–yet rewarding–stat increase, they shoot the bar through the roof. Mark my words, at the end of Shadowlands we’re going to have over 200-300k health pools again, and we’re going to be doing 30-40k dps. Because it’s the only thing Blizzard knows.

I was happy to see that Stats were coming down this far, and the increases were minimal and incremental at best. Then I saw the 200 item level gear versus the 170 item level gear: Across all items, more than a total increase of 70 raw main stat, and even more in secondary stats. Our stats are going to explode, again.


They did try to change this on legion since we had millions of HP and we were doing millions on damage turns out the community is too scared of big numbers so after bfa squished, bfa ended another squish I expect once sl is over another squish.

It’s never gonna end with these dev’s and some of their weird decisions and views.


i agree. and each tier doesn’t need to be 15 per. that’s just… not smart. it wasn’t like that in early expansions. but they’ve committed to squishing all the time as their long game approach. i don’t agree with it. but it is what it is.

you know what’s anti-fun? when they disabled whatever bug was making it so that when you were jumping in water while mounted you’d basically be travelling at mount speed while crossing water :pensive:

as for scaling, it’s unfortunately always been a bit behind afaik. in cata you still needed groups for wrath heroic raids, mop had issues with heroic cata raids etc.

i personally can’t wait to be able to run bfa mythics solo or duo

if it’s any consolation, you’ll see significant increase in decimation potential in a few weeks when our stats are above 10% and covenant conduits start replacing the hole left by losing azerite and corruption

You know what’s anti-fun? Being able to fly backwards, upside down, doing circles in flying mounts. THAT was fun. Can’t do it anymore. Harmless–completely harmless. Gone from the game.


We’re not talking about one expansion back we’re talking about TWO expansions back. The legacy buff SHOULD be active for all Legion content. Its not.


wait what?! you cant anymore?

I can’t seem to be able to at least. I admit i’ve been gone from the game from awhile, butttt…