10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

it is definitely the squish that is causing this. i myself love going back and getting anything i missed or just didnt do solo as well.

but i think what is happening is that when they did the level squish they didnt take into account the legacy buff. because when we were 120 i was able to solo most mythic raid bosses in legion which was 10 levels lower. (2nd edit to explain that when i solo’ed “some” mythic legion bosses there was no legacy buff and i just out geared it) and then in wod and mop mythic bosses which were 20 and 30 levels lower we were able to decimate and just about 1 shot because the legacy buff really kicks in when mobs are 16 or more levels below us.

but now since the squish basically everything from wod up to bfa is only 10 levels lower than us and the legacy buff wont kick in because they need to be (edit for 11 levels) or more lower than us.

blizzard definitely needs to fix this. either by making the legacy buff work for 10 levels or less or just any raid that is not shadowlands


Thank you Mr. Abusive language for demonstrating to us your skill at projection.

Now you’re outright lying. You know that they continue to tune old raids harder to force players to continue to gear up their alts. It’s just a fact. There will be no “welfare gear” you are trying to convince us to stay subscribed to wait for in order to be able to do ICC again. Because we all know they will continue to tune those raids harder to force people to spend time gearing up their alts to farm them. All their alts.


quote any abusive language i’ve used.

this isn’t the only attack you’ve made, just the most recent.


every expansion they are doing stat squishes… the game constantly breaks with each one it’s not getting better it will take MONTHS until they take care of the old content since it’s not a priority despite beta testers reporting this before it went live.


Before the pre-patch, as my rogue I was able to solo the trash in mythic Antorus, after the pre-patch, they absolutely destroyed me. I had no corruption to speak anyway of as I opted out of that power system and I never super developed the azerite traits that hard.

I tested mythic blackrock foundry just then with my level 50 vengeance demon hunter and found that I pretty much instantly destroyed the 41 elite mobs that I found in the first room, so that seems normal at least. Not sure if/when they’ll apply it to legion raids.


The problem with this, is that the mechanics’ damage outputs should’ve already been severally nerfed in Legion Raids with the massive Stat/Level Squish we had going in to Shadowlands. Yet still, the first boss alone, his hardest mechanic to get around that I had to abuse shielding for on a Frost DK, was his multi-hit felfire bomb mechanic that hits 5 times (if you’re not moving at least 20% faster to “outrun” the targeting and firing animation of it) for 2,700 damage before mitigations. And it constantly triggers every 7 seconds after the last bomb hits. That’s a potential of nearly half of your hit points right now for a DPS at level 60 in 160-170 gear.

Mind you, Antorus is the end-game Raid from two expansions prior. Legion. A mechanic doing half of your health makes zero sense post-squish that far back. I can understand a massive raid-wide soak mechanic maybe doing that (and that boss has that, and laughably it does next to zero damage), but his most basic mechanic doing that?

Then, the second boss, the dogs that I am currently roadblocked at now–None of their abilities are squished at all. I can currently only nuke their hit points combined down around 40%, and survive another 10-15% of the encounter before my DK is dead.

The squish should’ve covered this already. It seems like an oversight to me. You can argue that it’s not a high priority; Older content doesn’t take the spotlight over current content. And yeah, you’re right about that. But they were getting reports about this from the get-go of the Shadowlands beta. From the immediate beginning of it. This is MONTHS in to the Beta and launch of Live Shadowlands. Are we seriously going to have to wait until we’re already able to power through it with M18 gear from a year and a half from now?

Also: As far as I can understand, many people pre-squish in to Shadowlands were able to solo Antorus as level 50s. Being a level 60 should NOT have made this content un-soloable.


You are using the same language as me. I can think of a number of reasons why you are deliberately misrepresenting what is happening in old raid tuning. None of them are flattering to you.

They will be tuning old raids harder as Shadowlands progresses, just as they did during BfA. There will be no “welfare gear” whatever. You made that up entirely. That’s a lie.


People boasted about faster leveling as a pro of removing levels. Everything else suffers.


When you say this you mean Legion and BFA right?

All other legacy content can be farmed just fine.

no. quote exactly what you found offensive or i can only assume you’re trying to “gaslight” me (using your words)

and yes. welfare gear. did you play in bfa when nazjatar opened up? that is welfare gear.

This one. I choose this one.


Any level 100 was able to solo Firelands during wod. Those same characters in wod mythic raid gear no longer can. I had a 100 twink in better than mythic gear who no longer could during Legion.

These are changes they are making to force players who like to farm old content on their alts to level up their alts to max and put them into raiding to get them heroic raid gear. In order to do very old content.


For me, soloing raids at least two expansions old is a big selling point of wow to me, to get a few nice though outdated transmogs. If legion is still unsoloable in six months from now, given my recent six month sub and the 33% Aus Dollar sub cost rise about to go into effect, it’ll be a big strike for me against continuing to play WoW next year. Oh well, crossing my fingers.


This should have been put in before SL actually dropped. Its literally a damage multiplier. Its not difficult code to put in.


that i can agree with. the whole… blizz expects all your alts to be heroic raid level geared stuff though that dude is saying… 0.o

legion raids = legacy.



they haven’t done the tuning/nerfs yet for legion. they’ll get around to it though. it’s not a massive priority right now.

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The standard response to “Will I be able to farm old content as I do now?” has been for more than an expansion, “Yes, you will be able to farm old contain on your main when you get heroic raid gear.”

This completely ignores how people play.

They have tuned it exactly as they want it to be tuned. It will be tuned harder as the expansion progresses, just as HFC was tuned so by mid-BfA 110’s could no longer do it even in groups.

Expecting a “fix” presumes they didn’t do this intentionally.


link me a quote to a blue post saying that? unless it’s a rear pull.


Legion should have the legacy buff applied to it from the start of SL. Do you deny this statement?