I have always thought mob scaling was a dumb idea, it’s inherently anti-RPG. If it was about wanting more players to have more options when leveling, they could of rearranged zone leveling ranges (similar to Cata) after the squish.
Its probably the worst thing they have done to wow ever imo. The fact things lvl with you and then scale with your gear is completely stupid and the “brainiac” that came up with the idea should be punched in the face every morning when they wake up just to remind them how truly dumb they are.
There have been only 2 things in wow that have truly annoyed me and one is the flying changes, the other is this scaling crap that makes you weaker as you level and gear up.
Right! It literally disincentivizes playing the game… like why bother leveling up, gearing up etc if you end up only just as strong as before, if not weaker. It is SUCH a stupid concept. People like progression and people like measures of that progression. People DON’T like working hours on leveling/gearing for absolutely nothing.
What pisses me off further is a level 50 player will get obliterated by 60 mobs, but a level 60 player can NOT obliterate level 50 mobs. Blizzard having their cake and eating it too with that one.
Yeah it feels like bizarro wow right ? They should have it on the wow DVD boxes in the promo on the back saying “level up to 60 and be weaker than a level 50…till you’re in full mythic raid gear and you’ll then be about even”.
Btw is your realm the oceanic saurfang?
Sure is Why?
I was just wondering, because when I first started playing wow I was on that realm for a few years plus when I’m in SW I see a fair few saurfang people around so I may see you some time lol that would be pretty cool and funny /shrug
Back in wrath when I was on saurfang there was this warrior dwarf called shortemper he used to try to control the battle in the wintergrasp bg and used to lose the plot when no one listened and he would rage for about an hour on trade chat in dal if we lost.
Haha that would be great, make sure to come and say hi if you do
And LMAO that sounds hilarious and more entertaining than the BG itself, damn I wish he/ she still played ~xD~
Are you on horde only or do you have ally characters ?
My character on saurfang was the same one I use now except It was a male called Aloisius but then I realm changed the name was taken so I had to change my name.
There used to be this weird girl on saurfang back in the day as well they used to say the most random stuff in trade chat. Like one day she was telling everyone how hard the dungeons were and people replied with “practice more” or the useless “get good” and she said “the reason I can’t play well is because I’m an octopus and its hard to play with tentacles” lol
How long have you been on saurfang ? Do you remember the Susan express ads where the Gold sellers hacked the accounts so they could float the level 1 toons in the air to make signs out of people ?
Sorry , I turned this thread into a old times chat …ugh …I’ll stop now…
Yep! Effectively what they are doing is gating new material based on level, with no commensurate increase in actual power.
Where are your Covenant powers? Those should eventually push you over the threshold.
I know what you mean though, I was hoping to finish that Tumor achievment in Uldum, finally. I am about 2/3 done but Uldum was slower than it was when I had corruptions. So, I’m going to go back after I get a set of raid gear and upgraded powers. I thought it would be something to kill time while in Queues but I ended up going back to SL because it was easier.
since it takes the same time to kill as it did when i was 50 (to kill a 50 at 58)…then i want xp.
Exactly, and further to this they were quick to nerf the 2000 gold emissary reward to 200g BUT WHY? It is as hard if not harder now to complete BFA content as when it was current!?
Dev priorities are unreal at this point.
Don’t blame the devs, blame the managers and supervisors of the unit. Most of the devs are just doing what they’re told to do.
My main thing in this game is solo and collecting so it looks when my sub runs out, it runs out.
ilvl scaling was a horrible mistake.
mob level scaling? sure fine, ilvl scaling? can you freaking dont?
I think Blizzard figured out that alot of people like to just farm transmogs and they’re making it harder for people to get their transmogs to stretch out that subscription money.
IF that’s the case, they’ll quickly find out that it doesn’t…they’ll find that it just causes people to unsub instead.
I can see that happening. In my case I’m not even farming legion or bfa instances anymore, too much of a PITA. I’m on one of the best classes to solo content and it still sucks.
I see there’s significant evidence of this clearly being a game breaking bug, yet the developers have not provide a solution for it.
My bad, I blame Ion and Ion only xD