10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

I think the main difference is losing corruption. Only 8.3 BFA content was ever balanced around it (and that was supposedly changed)…but it would’ve made you extremely OP in older content not balanced for it. In retrospect corrupted gear was a neat idea, but a poor implementation, as it caused all kinds of weird power creep that ended up going away.

Should probably report this, it is probably still bugged.

I’m wondering why you’d want to go back to BfA for anything in the first place. They could delete the entire expansion and nothing of value would be lost.

well that makes me happy

i dont mind if it takes a bit to kill a raid boss as long as i can survive and its not too obnoxiously long

although there are a lot of fights in legion raids that you will need to get down pretty fast due to wipe mechanics / soft enrage stuff

I should clarify that I made the statements based on M Goroth and M Skorp thru Spellblade (the ones I tested last night and posted in the other thread regarding). I have no idea how anything in M Antorus and such is yet.

It’s so much worse. I wanted to get the Stay Chill Achievment from the Throne of Four Winds the other day to get my mount. I’m level 60 and item level 170. So decent, right?

I died on the Conclave of Four Winds … A Cataclysm raid. 10 years old. And the bosses are harder to kill, I’ve noticed. Used to be able to one shot anything from Classic to Pandaria, even Warlords. Now, it takes many hits to even kill a legacy boss.

So much for being stronger, huh?


Negative, Ghost Rider. See my posts above. I never even used corrupted gear.

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i imagine that place is very far from soloable atm

there are a lot of bosses in there that i can see being a huge problem

also in ToS id imagine Avatar and KJ are probably brutal on Mythic

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Legion is the big problem. I doubt many people care about BfA

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this is ALSO true in legion content for certain rares.

I didn’t play when BFA was current…I took a break from the end of Legion until basically a week ago. But…I’m working on pathfinder now, all I have left are reps. I’ve completed the entire quest chain and the war campaign. The zones are amazing…the art and music team are great as always. World quests are ok…basically the same as Legion, so I can see them getting tedious. Island expeditions are tedious. I haven’t done a warfront yet. But overall it doesn’t look THAT bad. It just looks like it didn’t offer anything new and fun, and the parts that are decent are just copied from Legion.

Overall I’d say it’s above average, a bit behind Legion but nowhere NEAR as bad as WOD. It’s also a bit overloaded with daily and weekly chores…basically the opposite of WOD.

Is what on 50 or 60? BfA I was level 50 and had the 3rd boss down (Legion Mythic Nighthold 2 expansions ago) to 30% or so and ilvl 120 something. I am level 60 now and on Friday was ilvl 174 and can’t even get her down below 60%.

Losing corruption gear should not make things extremely worse when I am 10 levels higher and ilvl of 50 higher.


Sums it up. So disappointing since we never had this issue before. Scaling in a new expansion should NEVER affect scaling in old content.


Try it again when the servers come back up? Someone on here swears that something changed with the scaling and legacy buff in the past 2 days. It seems like they changed something behind the scenes, and didn’t put anything in the hotfix notes, just so Ion could say “we don’t know what you’re talking about guys, it’s fine”. It’s still not quite what it should be, but apparently something DRAMATICALLY improved yesterday.

Thanks for the heads up! I will give it a try tonight or tomorrow to see. (Probably not tonight because after work I want to work on my new weekly stuff for renown upgrades etc.) Anxious to see if this is true.

Hopefully it is. I have not moved into SL content, I have XP off’d myself at 50 until I finish most of pathfinder (I don’t want to be locked out of BFA queues until I’m ready). So it’ll be awhile before I can test this myself.

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Wrong. Generally once I have hit max LEVEL, not gear, of current xpac I could go to previous xpac zones and pretty much one or two shot everything. Dungeons of previous xpacs would take a bit of gear as well though, but usually just heroic gear of current xpac.


As much as I hate BFA with a burning passion, I’m starting to get envious of those who have that flying moonsaber. At least that’s not tied to BFA’s horrible rng.

Just playing BFA from a “see the content” perspective, and not caring about endgame/gearing, I think it was really good. The RNG for people raiding, or trying to gear while the expansion was current, was probably awful though.

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Pets, mounts, mogs, and generally just to flex over the pleb creatures that once were so powerful. Despite what Ion describes as “not fun” I actually like going back and yeeting all those things that once yeeted me xD hahaha


In Ionspeak, what he probably means is after you gear up for SL uber-raiding, you will have no issues raiding legion content.

Otherwise, well, the unwashed masses are undeserving…