10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

Because they have a very narrow idea of fun and, by god, you WILL play the game their way, which is the correct way.

Over 15 years I have been playing WoW my own way happily and, once Ion took over, I run into more and more roadblocks. He’s a bad game director who lacks generosity of vision. His contempt for players who don’t play like him is evident. Ion is wrecking the game with every expac he helps plan.

This COVID19 bump is going to save his job, too, even though numbers will plummet by April.


I agree. I use to almost be able to solo normal first boss in Uldir, but now I sometimes Die on the tentacles before the boss, the boss just flat out kills me. 10 Levels higher with Normal/Heroic iLvl.

Tried again the other night after gaining 3 Mythic pieces, more heroic dungeon pieces, and 2 (or 3) Normal Raid pieces. Still having great difficulties. These mobs are scaled way too high. I would like to be able to solo all legion content (as I was WoD), and work my way through all BFA content as the iLvl increases as I did during BFA (for Legion).

Its a shame but maybe they don’t want people mindlessly playing old content, or its a bug they will resolve. The expansion is still very new so I hope these things get worked on. Otherwise I’m having a lot of fun with the new content.

If he really said that I don’t know why anyone believed him, it was obvious squishing us to 60 would ruin this aspect of the game, because it falls perfectly in line with how the game has been managed for years.

I don’t think it was not being bothered, I think it was by design.

Yes he is.

“but part of that is from your stats going down as you level.”

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At max level in regular dungeon gear you will be substantially stronger than you were at 50, let alone heroic or mythic raid gear, which is how you’d actually be comparing the two levels…

I see a lot of people talking about things they don’t really have any good idea about. :man_shrugging:t4:

AT max level and geared well, I will catch up to where I was at 120. You are the one who seems not to understand the problem.


You’re comparing your max level character to how you were in SL at 50. You’re also comparing your entry level character at 50 with your previous character with raid gear in BfA. The fair comparison is a raid geared character at 60.

Thanks for playing.

I’m sorry, that’s a little silly to me.

You do realise that in the entire history of this game, that has never been the case?

Name an expansion where as soon as you were 4-5 levels higher than the previous cap, in greens, you couldn’t solo some decently challenging stuff from the previous expansion.

We’re not talking about BfA raids here. We’re talking about a 20 level difference in player power.

I don’t think it was intentional at all that it’s an ‘unfortunate part of levelling’ - what I do think is they had far too much work in front of them to to scale the borrowed power mechanisms they put into the expansion, and went with the ‘it’s intended’ narrative.

Legion content is legacy content and should provide 0 challenge to even a 155 ilvl character.


MAX level has nothing to do with it. We were told the level squish would not make us weaker, and that was a lie. At level 56, I am weaker than I was at 120.

Thank YOU for playing.


DESPITE Ion’s statement, some people are saying something’s changed, and the scaling is working differently now. It’s not 100% fixed, but it’s apparently quite a bit better now. Maybe it was a “stealth fix”, so he wants his statement to be interpreted as “see there’s nothing wrong guys, I don’t know what you’re talking about”.


It seems they may be doing “stealth fixes” to the scaling, and not putting it in any hotfix notes.

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haven’t run any legion raids since SL launched

do the raid bosses have the legacy debuff now?

am i hitting them for mega dam per hit or is the damage still “normal”…?

In the link I just posted, someone did quite a bit of testing, and it appears the Legion legacy buff is working. There are still some oddities with things like dots hitting too hard, but the person that did the testing is insisting that something definitely changed within the past day even though there were no hotfix notes about it.

just read that ty

what im not understanding is if the legacy buff is “active” why is it taking him the same time or longer to kill bosses?

they should flop pretty quickly should they not?

The point is, it’s MUCH quicker than the previous time he tested a few days earlier. Previously, it was taking MUCH longer to kill the same bosses at 60 vs 120 in BFA. Now it’s actually quicker than in BFA, even if not by a whole lot.

BFA at 120 was weird, and we should expect to lose some power, because corruption was INSANELY OP at the end of the expansion. I didn’t return until after 9.0 (last played in Legion)…but I look at some of the stats on the corruption gear and it’s bonkers. They rebalanced 50 content to not require it…but it also made people OP in older content as well, and that bonus is now just gone (they aren’t going to rebalance old content based on corruption being removed when it wasn’t balanced around it to begin with).

I think his point was “it’s mostly taking the amount of time it should to kill these bosses…not everything is fixed yet and some dots are still hitting too hard, but it’s much better than it was a few days ago”. He’s insisting something changed in the past 2 days.

It fits in with Ion too. I can totally see him fixing stuff behind the scenes, not putting it in any hotfix notes, and then going in an interview “see guys, there’s nothing wrong, we told you”.

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And this:

“At level 60 and ilvl 175, power is somewhere around the neighborhood of where I was as a 479 120.”

So, basically, it’s exactly what we said above. Get to max level and get raid gear if you want to faceroll the stuff we should have been facerolling at 125 in greens.


ok fair enough

i still don’t love it tho

in my eyes the legacy buff should = bosses getting destroyed

i guess it is what it is


Most azerite turns back on when you go back to BfA. You just have to put the gear on.

What is missing are your Azerite traits on SL gear and your covenant doesn’t work in BfA. There were lots of speed, survivabability and damage/stat boost traits that you haven’t earned yet in SL but should be coming in the future. Right now you can get some temporary buffs in SL.

Yeah, I have somewhat close to the same power at ilvl 175 now as I did as a 479, which squished into 132. It sucks really. And the boss health scaling is something special as well, but the real issue is some of the dots that hurt like hell. M Goroth is impossible because of the burning armor dot. Not sure if there’s a way to drop it, but as a warrior we’re hosed in that regard. But, I never did M Goroth prior to prepatch either so I can’t speak to how that was before hand.


I think the legacy buff is doing its job for the most part. Almost all mechanics tickle or miss, but it’s the dots (e.g. M Goroth’s burning armor) and some AOEs (e.g. M Trilliax’s beam) that are either getting ignored by the buff or just simply hit hard for whatever reason. The AOE beam 2-shots and burning armor makes a mockery of player health.